Events and Activities

The Office of Workforce Diversity has held special events with guest speakers bringing compelling perspectives about diversity to our employee groups.
Heritage Month Commemorations
Heritage month commemorations are held companywide to recognize and promote awareness about different cultures and experiences, to encourage employee involvement, and to develop a diverse and inclusive work environment.
Multicultural Calendar of Religious and Secular Holidays
An annual calendar is produced in order to learn more about the celebrations and traditions of our coworkers, patients, neighbors and friends.
Recruiting Employees
The Johns Hopkins Hospital has an active recruitment program to identify and attract diverse talent through college recruiting, as well as targeted diversity and professional recruiting. Activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Participating in events and conferences where potential candidates are located
- On-campus recruiting at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions
- Placing recruitment advertising in diverse media
- Outreach to organizations that promote the hiring of individuals with disabilities, veterans and under-represented minorities
Contact the Office of Workforce Diversity for more information about upcoming events and activities.