Clinics within the Institute of Genetic Medicine are located in the Baltimore area. Both children and adults are seen in the following locations:

Outpatient Medical Genetics Clinic
David M. Rubenstein Child Health Building
Lower Level, Pediatric Specialty Clinic
200 North Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MARYLAND 21287
Clinic Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pediatric Clinical Research Unit (PCRU)
The Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children’s Center building
1800 Orleans Street, 9th floor North
Baltimore, Maryland 21287
Clinic Hours: Scheduled on an individual basis
Cardiovascular Connective Tissue Disorder Clinic
The Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children’s Center building
1800 Orleans Street
Room 2201 (M Level, same level as the skywalk over Orleans Street)
Baltimore, Maryland 21287
Clinic Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Parking and Directions
The Rubenstein Building and The Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children’s Center building are adjacent to the Orleans Street Parking Garage at the Johns Hopkins East Baltimore Medical Campus.
Entrance to the Rubenstein Building and directions to the skywalk connecting to the Bloomberg Children’s Center Building are noted in the garage. Hourly rates and discounts apply.