Combined Internal Medicine and Medical Genetics Residency
Since 2005, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Genetic Medicine have jointly offered a 5 year combined Internal Medicine and Medical Genetics residency program leading to dual certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ABMGG). This fully integrated program aims to train outstanding internists and physician scientists who will become experts and future leaders in medical genetics and genomics.
The combined residency training will be completed at Johns Hopkins Medicine affiliated training sites. During the first year, residents serve as interns in internal medicine at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. During the next three years, resident alternate their residency training in internal medicine and medical genetics every 6 months. During the last 18 months, residents conduct clinical and/or laboratory research in medical genetics. The didactic coursework required for Medical Genetics residency is taken during the 4th and 5th years. All residents are required to attend the genetics conferences and seminars when they are assigned to Medical Genetics and elective rotations. Residents who have successfully completed this program are eligible for certification examinations from the ABIM and ABMGG in Clinical Genetics
Applicants who are interested in the combined training program must submit their application through ERAS. Applications are reviewed by a committee consisting of faculty members from Internal Medicine and Medical Genetics training programs. Selected applicants are invited for interviews by faculty from both residency-training programs. Additional information on the Board requirements for the combined training in internal medicine and medical genetics can be found at the ABIM and ABMG websites.
Inquiries for this combined residency program can be directed to:
Karen ReyesMedical Training Program Administrator