Insurance and Billing
Our financial clearance staff will work with you to get the appropriate authorizations to schedule medical appointments, tests and treatments at Johns Hopkins.

Most patients will be scheduled for appointments with more than one specialist, including a genetic counselor and physician. Each specialists bills your insurance separately. But we need your help! Work with us to get the necessary referrals from your local physicians for a genetics evaluation and any accompanying laboratory or radiological tests. Getting insurance referrals or pre-authorizations in advance are key to scheduling an appointment.
Commercial Insurance
Most people with commercial insurance can be seen at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
In some cases, Johns Hopkins is considered “out of network,” and the patient’s primary care physician must obtain written authorization from the insurance company. This authorization must be sent to our office at least three months in advance of the appointment. Our financial specialists will then determine whether a single-case agreement can be made between The Johns Hopkins Hospital and your medical assistance/insurance.
Maryland Medical Assistance (Medicaid)
Most patients with Maryland Medicaid can be seen at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Some Medicaid plans require patients to be seen at other Maryland hospitals.
Non-Maryland Medical Assistance (Medicaid)
It can be difficult for patients with non-Maryland medical assistance to obtain appropriate authorizations to be seen at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. This process requires that the patient’s primary care physician obtain written authorization from the state’s medical assistance program. This authorization must be sent to our office at least three months in advance of the appointment and does not guarantee that an appointment can be made. The next step is for a single-case agreement to be made between The Johns Hopkins Hospital and your medical assistance/insurance. Once the single case agreement is signed, an appointment can be made. Our financial specialists will work with you throughout this process.
Need help with insurance coverage?
Call us at 410-955-3071, Option 1.