Coaching has a long history of success in sports and business but is a growing concept in undergraduate and graduate medical education. The Johns Hopkins All Children’s Resident Coaching Program is a learner-centered approach, focused on the personal development of the coachee. Unlike mentoring and advising, in which guidance and wisdom are commonly passed down from a more experienced colleague, coaching is a guided self-exploration by the learner facilitated by the coach. The coach serves as a springboard for the coachee’s self-discovery, self-feedback, and planning of next steps. While coaches may need to weave between coaching, advising and mentoring, the overarching goal is to encourage coachees to assess their own strengths, problems and opportunities for growth through guided self-reflection; create their own individualized goals; and work toward accomplishing those goals in ways that are both feasible and meaningful for them.
Coaching Mission Statement
The Coaching Program supports the Johns Hopkins All Children’s Pediatric Residency Program mission of innovative and individualized education by promoting personalized, learner-centered, guided self-reflection and action planning to enhance growth as exceptional physician leaders and lifelong adaptive learners.
We value…
learning as a lifelong process of self-discovery, growth mindset, self-determination and continual improvement.
We provide…
camaraderie and a supportive environment for personalized development.
We empower…
learners to build on personal strengths and embrace challenges as they become master adaptive learners and expert clinicians.
Coaching Observation Settings
We use direct observations as launching pads for guided self-assessment. Our observations occur both in-person and virtually, offering different and innovative experiences for all involved. Coaches observe history-taking and physical examination skills, establishment of relationships with patients and caregivers, medical decision-making, and communication of medical information to supervising physicians in each of the following settings:
- Inpatient hospital medicine service
- Inpatient pediatric and neonatal critical care services
- Outpatient continuity clinic
Coaches also observe residents’ teaching and speaking skills in didactic and interactive educational sessions including morning reports and case conferences, as well as their documentation skills via review of clinical documentation.
The Coaches
Taryn Hill, M.D., MEd
Coaching Program Director
Department: Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Why Coach? I strongly believe that coaching facilitates meaningful and impactful conversations that trigger the “aha” moments for residents during their residency journey.
Brandon Alexander, D.O.
Head Coach
Department: Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Why Coach? It is one of the great joys of my career to be able to help educate and guide these young physicians through their medical journeys in a meaningful and impactful way. I believe that coaching is a wonderful way to inspire them to continually better themselves through guided self-reflection. It also provides a beneficial peer relationship with someone not directly responsible for their formal evaluations, which I think can help break down walls and allow us to connect better with our coachees.
Amanda Bashir, M.D.
Department: Pediatric Palliative Medicine
Why Coach? It is an honor and a joy to be a part of the residents’ journeys as they grow into the pediatricians they have always aspired to be. By cheering them on, sparking introspection and guiding them through these formative years, I am excited to see how they inspire themselves and all of us around them.
Krysten Chin, M.D.
Department: Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Why Coach? It is a wonderful opportunity and privilege to guide the next generation of pediatricians on this rigorous journey, by providing a supportive environment for self-realization leading to personal and professional success.
Sarah Czack, M.D.
Department: Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Why Coach? I got involved with the coaching program to help residents identify their passions and hone their skills to reach their goals, which motivates me to do the same.
Mara DiBartolomeo, D.O.
Department: Neonatology
Why Coach? Coaching is a great way to bring out the best in our residents, allowing for curiosity, introspection, and continued growth. I’m excited to be part of this unique part of their journey throughout their residency and beyond!
Allison Fernandez M.D., M.B.A.
Faculty Coach
Department: Anesthesiology, Pain, and Perioperative Medicine
Why Coach? I enjoy the transformative process that one goes through with coaching.
Candice Guevara, D.O., M.S.
Head Coach
Department: Neonatal Medicine
Why Coach? I am excited to coach our residents and provide a supportive environment for them to find value in themselves and what they bring to the care of their patients on their professional journey.
Danielle Hirsch, M.D.
Department: Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Elizabeth Hornbeck, M.D.
Department: Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Why Coach? I became a coach because I want our residents to be able to thrive, not just survive, the medical training process. It is my belief that all humans function their best when placed in psychologically safe environments. The coaching program provides this safety to our residents, allowing them to self-reflect and grow without fear of shame or blame. In my experience, we become the best physicians we can be when we are supported and given the space to be responsible for our own growth. It is an honor to guide the next generation of pediatricians towards their personal and professional goals.
Bhumi Kumar, D.O.
Head Coach
Department: Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Why Coach? I want to be a coach to foster the growth and development of pediatric residents, and also guide and support them during their rigorous training.
Jessica Laks, M.D.
Department: Pediatric Cardiology
Why Coach? To me there is nothing better than getting to be a part of a resident's journey in helping them achieve their goals of becoming the best pediatrician they can be.
Jennifer Maniscalco, M.D., M.P.H., MAcM
Department: Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Why Coach? I am inspired by our residents, and I learn so much from their varied interests and talents. It is a privilege to be part of their professional journey.
Allison Messina, M.D.
Department: Pediatric Infectious Disease
Why Coach? Coaching is a great opportunity to help residents become the best pediatricians they can be.
John Morrison, M.D., Ph.D.
Head Coach
Department: Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Why Coach? I chose to become a coach for the opportunity to help residents grow into the pediatricians they aspire to be and in turn learn how to be a better pediatrician myself.
Noura Nickel, M.D.
Head Coach
Department: Neonatology
Why Coach? I think coaching is a great opportunity to help guide residents to identify their passions, strengths and goals, and to use these skills to advance themselves on a personal and professional level.
Anthony Sochet, M.D., M.H.S.
Department: Pediatric Intensivist
Why Coach? I believe coaching can effectively yield a resident physician's capacity to introspectively evaluate and develop their beliefs, fund of knowledge and clinical skillsets. Our coaching program aims to promote self-realization to achieve personalized goals and unlock psychoeducational skills as part of life-long learning.
Sabrina Trivisonna
Department: Office of Medical Education
National and International Workshops:
- Narang A, Walz A, Alexander B, Boyd K, Chi K, Hoang K, Kaur T, Kumar, B, Zaifeh M, Rassbach C, Sakai D, Sklansky D, Slone A, Blankenburg R. It’s a Journey: Incorporating Ikigai in Coaching for Professional Fulfillment. Pediatric Academic Society Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 2024.
- Boyd K, Aguilar M, Blankenburg R, Hill T, Malladi L, Richardson D, Thomas M, Williams S. Harnessing Coaching to Promote Growth Mindset. International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE), Halifax, Canada, October 2023.
- Hill T, Thomas M, Barth B, Korndorffer J, Miller-Kuhlmann R, Nassar A, Slone A, Williams S, Blankenburg R. Construct the Ultimate Coaching Program: From Blueprints to Build. Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Glasgow Scotland, August 2023.
- Hill T, Thomas M, Walz A, Naifeh M, Bria C, Slone A, Barone M, Serwint J, Rassbach C, Blankenburg R. Construct the Ultimate Coaching Program: From Blueprints to Build. Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, Washington DC, May 2023.
- Walz A, Hill T, Thomas MW, Naifeh M, Abu El Haija M, Rassbach C, and Blankenburg R. Coaching for Time Management: Helping Learners and Faculty Prioritize the Right Things. Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) 2023 Annual Spring Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 2023.
- Walz A, Thomas M, Hill T, Blankenburg R. Coaching 101: Exploring the who, what, where, when, how and why of clinical coaching program development. ACGME Conference, Nashville, TN, February 2023.
- Thomas M, Hill T, Dingeldein L, Blankenburg R. Coaching 101: Exploring the who, what, where, when, how and why? of clinical coaching program development. International Conference on Resident Education, Montreal, Canada, October 2022.
- Walz A, Hill T, Powell E, Goldstein J, Naifeh M, Dingeldein L, Grow M, Blankenburg R. Coaching 101: Exploring the who, what, where, when, how and why of clinical coaching program development. Association of Pediatric Program Directors Conference, May 2022.
- Hoang K, Boyd K, Chi K, Sakai D, Hill T, Walz A, Naifeh M, Thomas M, Phillips E, Barber J, Billingham C, Rassbach C, Blankenburg R. Harnessing Coaching to Promote Growth Mindset. Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, Denver, CO, April 2022.
- Hoang K, O’Malley J, Chi K, Grow M, Hester C, Hill T, Huffman L, Kreimer S, Loutit C, Naifeh M, Rooholamini S, Sakai D, Sanghavi P, Thomas M, Blankenburg R. Coaching Learners on Behaviors to Enhance Clinical Team Performance. Association of Pediatric Program Directors, Virtual, March 2021.
- Samide AJ, Morrison JM, Mills R, Collins KR, Hopkins A, Maniscalco J, Dudas R. (2022). Feasibility and acceptability of virtual rounds on an academic inpatient pediatric unit. Hospital Pediatrics.
Invited Talks:
- Hoang K, Boyd K, Chi K, Sakai D, Hill T, Walz A, Naifeh M, Thomas M, Phillips E, Bailey B, Barber J, Aguilera M, Mallade L, Billingham C, Rassbach C, Blankenburg R. Harnessing Coaching to Promote Growth Mindset. Stanford Medicine: 10th Annual Med Ed Forum: Innovations in Medical and Biosciences Education. Palo Alto,CA, Sept 2023.
- Hoang K, Boyd K, Chi K, Sakai D, Hill T, Thomas M, Walz A, Rassbach C, Blankenburg R. Coaching to Promote Growth Mindset, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Grand Rounds, February 2023.
JHACH Grand Rounds and Faculty Education:
- Hill T, Feldman M. Feedback and Coaching in Clinical Education, Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, Summer Healthcare Education and Training: Clinical Teaching Series, July 2024.
- Hill T, Thomas M. Teaching the Teachers: Graduate Medical Education. "JHACH Pediatric Residency Coaching Program." Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, Pediatric Grand Rounds, October 2023
Poster Presentations:
- Samide A, Morrison J, Hill T, Thomas M, Collins K. Usability and utility of virtual and in- person observation of pediatric residents' patient encounters. Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, Washington, DC, May 2023.
- Thomas M, Hill T, Walz A, Rassbach C, Naifeh M, Blankenberg R. The National Landscape of Pediatric Residency Coaching Programs. Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, Washington DC, May 2023.
- Thomas MW, Hill T, Walz A, Rassbach C, Naifeh M, Blankenberg R. The National Landscape of Pediatric Residency Coaching Programs. Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) 2023 Annual Spring Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 2023.