Pediatric Surgery Fellowship Academic Conferences, Teaching, and Curriculum

Academic Conferences

No operating room cases or clinics are scheduled on Monday mornings which allows the faculty and trainees to meet for several learning activities including M&M, Pre-Op Conference, SCORE modules and Journal Club. The fellow will participate in multiple other conferences on a regular basis at other times during the week or month. These include:

  • Surgery/Radiology/Pathology Case Conference Pediatric Tumor Board
  • Surgical Quality of Care Committee
  • Trauma Quality Committee and Performance Improvement Committee
  • Pediatric Surgery Research Meeting (required when their project is on the agenda) Multidisciplinary Perinatal Conference
  • Preop Conference
  • Intestinal Rehabilitation Conference Children’s Surgery Program PIP Committee
  • ECMO M&M


The fellow’s teaching responsibilities are as follows:

  • Daily continuous teaching on rounds and in the operating room to junior fellows, rotating general surgery residents, rotating pediatric residents, advance practitioners, medical students, advance practitioner students, and other staff members
  • Organizing, running and/or presenting at conferences as listed
  • Delivering formal lectures to the Pediatric Residents
  • Delivering formal lectures to the ICU residents
  • Delivering formal lectures to medical staff of the Emergency Department


The fellowship curriculum consists of 48 weeks of clinical service all at one site, the Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL. The majority of the fellowship is spent on the pediatric surgery service; however, in the first year the fellow will spend a total of fourth months rotating on different services, NICU, PICU, urology, and CCDH units. Please see block diagram.

 1st Year Pedi Surg NICU PICU Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Uro CCDH Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg
 2nd Year  Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg Pedi Surg

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Learn more about the Pediatric Surgery Fellowship at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital.