As the only accredited Level I pediatric trauma center in Maryland, designated by the Maryland Institute of Emergency Medical Services Systems, the Johns Hopkins Children's Center Pediatric Trauma Program is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to treat pediatric trauma patients in the state and its surrounding areas.

Place of Care

Management of multi-system injuries and trauma is provided at the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Emergency Department and the 40-bed pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), in Baltimore, Maryland.

Contact Us

For Health Care Providers

Emergency consultative services (physician-to-physician) are available 24 hours a day by calling the Hopkins Access Line (HAL) at 1-800-765-5447 or 410-955-9444 in Baltimore.

Fax: 410-502-5314

Pediatric Transport

The Johns Hopkins Children’s Center provides a safe, efficient resource for transporting children-and their families-needing pediatric care. To contact the Pediatric Transport Service, call 410-955-9444 or 410-502-2961.