The Center for Image-Guided Animal Therapy (CIGAT) is an internationally-recognized advanced diagnostic imaging facility designed specifically for the veterinary patient.
CIGAT offers the advantage of having experts in radiology, interventional radiology, neurology, oncology, and orthopedics overseeing advanced imaging techniques on leading edge equipment. In addition to veterinary imaging, MRI-, CT- and ultrasound-guided biopsies may be performed, as well as interventional radiology procedures, such as image-guided cryoablation and embolic therapy.
Our Experts
The CIGAT team includes veterinary technicians, MRI technologists and nursing staff.
Our one-of-a-kind resource focuses on bringing cutting-edge minimally invasive diagnostics and procedures to the veterinary pet population.
Clinical Trials
Veterinary clinical trials focus on discovering novel diagnostics and treatments for veterinary patients.
Make a Gift
Your support allows our veterinarians to pursue cutting-edge research and provide high-quality veterinary care.
News, Press Releases & Past Events
December, 2024
HRS: Champion dog get new lease on life
December 4, 2019
A Cancer Drug Trial For Dogs Presented At The RSNA Annual Meeting
December 4, 2019
Studying brain cancer in dogs for possible human treatment, KALB News
June 22, 2018
Dog survives hemangiosarcoma clinical trial, American VeterinarianJune 13, 2018
Dog becomes first to survive clinical trial for one of the most deadly pet cancers, USA TODAY
April 14, 2015
Johns Hopkins begins using high-tech equipment on pets, The Baltimore Sun
January 20, 2015
The Dog and Cat Wing: Hospital Sets Up a Scanner Center for Pets, Scientific American
February 4, 2020
Could Canine Patients Help Find A Cure For One Of The Deadliest Cancers?, WJZ Baltimore
December 4, 2019
Studying brain cancer in dogs for possible human treatment, Washington DC (CBS News)
July 16, 2015
Human tech helping treat pets' pain, WBAL Baltimore
March 19, 2015
Johns Hopkins Offers Top-Of-The-Line Care For Pets, CBS Baltimore
September 25, 2022
CIGAT/Fetch-a-Cure Fundraiser at Olney Winery
September 20-21, 2021
44th National Capital Area Branch (NCAB) of American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) 2021 Seminar,
Turf Valley Resort, Ellicott City, MDTOPIC: Clinical Trials in Pets at the Center for Image-Guided Animal Therapy at Johns Hopkins
June 4-5, 2020
3Rs Symposium: Practical Solutions and Success Stories
Topic: “Image Guided Animal Therapy”
Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) 23rd Annual Scientific Session in Orlando, FL
Topic: Early Career Focus Session 1: Funding and Research: “I'm Funded … Now What? How Do I Successfully Implement My Research?”February 13, 2020
Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) 23rd Annual Scientific Session in Orlando, FL
Topic: Early Career Focus Session 1: Funding and Research: “I'm Funded … Now What? How Do I Successfully Implement My Research?”March 25, 2020 (postponed August 2020)
Plenary lecture European Society for Molecular Imaging in Greece
Topic: "Stem Cells and Embolics: Is seeing where you are and have been important?"April 23, 2020 (Postponed August 2020)
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Session: Cutting-Edge Primers on Preclinical Imaging: Cardiac in Sydney, Australia Paris, France
Topic: Primer on Small & Large Animal Cardiac ModelsDCAVM Schedule for 2019-2020- We continue to be the Baltimore satellite site.
November 12, 2019
Contrast Media Research Symposium, Erice, Italy
Topic: “Alginate Microcapsules for Enhanced Magnetic Hyperthermia Treatment”October 30, 2019
The American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR), Baltimore, MD
Topic: “One Health Approach at Johns Hopkins to Interventional Radiology and Cardiology” Keynote AddressJune 6, 2019
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Welfare/Shelter Medicine
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandMay 2, 2019
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Orthopedic Surgery
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandApril 4, 2019
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Emergency Medicine/Critical Care
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandMarch 7, 2019
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Pediatric Medicine
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandFebruary 7, 2019
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Parasitology
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandJanuary 10, 2019
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Dermatology
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandNov. 1, 2018
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine(satellite site)
Topic: Geriatric/Hospice
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandOct. 5-6, 2018
iMRI Symposium, Boston, MA
Topic: MRI-Guided Cryoablation as an Immunotherapy for Canine OsteosarcomaOct. 4, 2018
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine(satellite site)
Topic: Dentistry
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandSep. 6, 2018
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Cardiology
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandJun. 7, 2018
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Nutrition
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandMay 3, 2018
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine(satellite site)
Topic: Behavior
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandApr. 5, 2018
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Exotics
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandMar. 1, 2018
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Radiology
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandFeb. 1, 2018
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Anesthesia
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandJan. 11, 2018
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Neurology
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandDec. 7, 2017
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Autoimmune Diseases
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandNov. 2, 2017
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Feline Medicine
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandOct. 5, 2017
29th SMRA Annual International Conference
Validation of MRA and CBCT to Evaluate Response to Stem Cell Therapy in a Rabbit Model of Peripheral Arterial Disease
Stellenbosch, South AfricaOct. 5, 2017
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine(satellite site)
Topic: Physical Therapy and Rehab
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandSep. 20, 2017
JHU School of Medicine Core Showcase
1:00 Spontaneously-Occurring Animal Models of Disease, Miles Room
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandSep. 7, 2017
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine(satellite site)
Topic: Surgery
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandAug. 17–20, 2017
ISMRM Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cardiac Function
Topic: Cardiac MRI
Moderator: Dr. Dara Kraitchman
NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NYJuly 16, 2017
German Shepherd Dog Club of Greater Washington D.C.
Topic: Canine Hemangiosarcoma Clinical Trial
Moderator: Catherine (Cassie) BienertMar. 2, 2017
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Chronic Pain/End-Of-Life
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandFeb. 1–4, 2017
Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Moderator: Dr. Dara Kraitchman
Gaylord National Resort, Washington D.C.Feb. 2, 2017
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Behavior
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MarylandJan. 28–29, 2017
World of Pets Expo
16th Annual Show
Maryland State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MarylandJan. 12, 2017
D.C. Academy of Veterinary Medicine (satellite site)
Topic: Oncology
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Our Experts
Dara L. Kraitchman, V.M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.C.
Professor of Radiology, Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology
Cardiovascular Interventional Section Head in Department of MR ResearchDr. Dara Kraitchman is a veterinarian and Professor in the Johns Hopkins Medicine Department of Radiology and Radiological Science. Dr. Kraitchman performed the first MRI-guided intracardiac delivery of stem cells to the heart and developed the first technique to provide X-ray visible stem cells for x-ray fluoroscopic delivery and CT imaging of stem cell persistence for cardiac and peripheral arterial disease applications. In addition to being a Co-Director of the Center for Image-Guided Animal Therapy, Dr. Kraitchman serves as the Cardiovascular Interventional Section Head for the department. Dr. Kraitchman's expertise in advanced imaging allows each CIGAT patient to receive individualized imaging care as well as the most progressive advanced imaging available to pets in the region.
The following accomplished experts assist the Center for Image-Guided Animal Therapy veterinarians in an advisory role. These doctors and specialists have developed and clinically practiced procedures in human patients that the center can translate for use in veterinary patients. The center creates an academic environment where multidisciplinary collaboration among health professionals benefits veterinary patients, allowing veterinarians to perform individualized care for each pet.
William S Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.
A. Earl Walker Professor
Professor of NeurosurgeryPaul A. Bottomley, Ph.D.
Director, Division of MR Research
Professor of Radiology and Radiological ScienceCory Brayton, D.V.M.
Director, Phenotyping Core
Associate Professor of Molecular and Comparative PathobiologyKathleen Gabrielson, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Molecular and Comparative PathobiologyChristos Savvas Georgiades, M.D., Ph.D.
Director of Interventional Oncology
Professor of Radiology and Radiological ScienceKelvin Kai-wen Hong, M.B.B.Ch., M.B.B.S.
Divisional Director, Interventional Radiology
Associate Professor of Radiology and Radiological ScienceRobert Ivkov, Ph.D., M.Sc.
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation SciencesLawrence Richard Kleinberg, M.D.
Vice Chair of Clinical Research
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation SciencesBrian Hansen Ladle, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of OncologyRobert Patrick Liddell, M.B.B.Ch., M.S.
Assistant Professor of Radiology and Radiological ScienceKatarzyna Jadwiga Macura, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Director ICTR Imaging Translational Program
Professor of Radiology and Radiological ScienceMichael Schar, Ph.D., M.S.
Associate Professor of Radiology and Radiological ScienceGeorge Sgouros, Ph.D.
Director, Radiological Physics Division
Professor of Radiology and Radiological ScienceClifford Raabe Weiss, M.D.
Director, the Johns Hopkins HHT Center of Excellence
Professor of Radiology and Radiological ScienceSolaiyappan, Meiyappan, M.S.
Research Associate, Division of MR Research
Contact Us
Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science
600 N. Wolfe St, Park 311
Baltimore, MD 21287
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Phone & E-mail
We're open Monday - Friday. Please contact CIGAT for details.
Phone: 410-502-7325
Fax: 410-614-1977
Social Media
Twitter: @Hopkins_CIGAT