Specialized care for your best friend

The Center for Image-Guided Animal Therapy (CIGAT) is an internationally-recognized advanced diagnostic imaging facility designed specifically for the veterinary patient.

CIGAT offers the advantage of having experts in radiology, interventional radiology, neurology, oncology, and orthopedics overseeing advanced imaging techniques on leading edge equipment. In addition to veterinary imaging, MRI-, CT- and ultrasound-guided biopsies may be performed, as well as interventional radiology procedures, such as image-guided cryoablation and embolic therapy.

  • Our Experts

    The CIGAT team includes veterinary technicians, MRI technologists and nursing staff.

    radiologist with dog in her arms
  • Procedures

    Our one-of-a-kind resource focuses on bringing cutting-edge minimally invasive diagnostics and procedures to the veterinary pet population.

    cat standing in front of a mri machine
  • Clinical Trials

    Veterinary clinical trials focus on discovering novel diagnostics and treatments for veterinary patients.

    Dog and Cat inside MRI scanner
  • Make a Gift

    Your support allows our veterinarians to pursue cutting-edge research and provide high-quality veterinary care.

    Dog and Cat inside MRI scanner

News, Press Releases & Past Events

Our Experts

The CIGAT team is led by Dr. Kraitchman and includes dedicated veterinary technicians, MRI technologists, and nursing staff. The images obtained by certified imaging technologists are transferred, in real-time, to a veterinary radiologist for final evaluation. All images and reports are sent to the requesting veterinarian.

Contact Us


The Johns Hopkins University
Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science
600 N. Wolfe St, Park 311
Baltimore, MD 21287
View in Google Maps

Phone & E-mail

We're open Monday - Friday. Please contact CIGAT for details.

Phone: 410-502-7325
Fax: 410-614-1977
Email: CIGAT@jhmi.edu

Social Media