MRB Molecular Imaging Service Center and Cancer Functional Imaging Core

photo of medical imaging equipment at the MRB lab

Established in 2004, the MRB Molecular Imaging Service Center and Cancer Functional Imaging Core provides comprehensive molecular and functional imaging infrastructure to support the imaging research needs of the Johns Hopkins University faculty. Approximately 55-65 different Principal Investigators use the center annually.

The MRB Molecular Imaging Service Center and Cancer Functional Imaging Core is located behind the barrier within the transgenic animal facility in the basement of MRB and in the lower basement of CRB2.

Equipment and Services

Desmond Jacob and Zaver Bhujwalla with the 7T PET-MR scanner.

Desmond Jacob and Zaver Bhujwalla with the 7T PET-MR scanner.

  •  4.7T MRI scanner
  • 9.4T MRI/S scanner for magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy
  • 7T PET/MR**
  • MSOT photoacoustic instrument**
  • Olympus multiphoton microscope with in vivo imaging capability
  • PET/CT scanner
  • SPECT scanner
  • IVIS Spectrum
  • LI-COR near infrared Pearl Imager System
  • Ultrasound scanner
  • Faxitron
  • Irradiator

**A new satellite facility in CRB2-LB03 houses the simultaneous 7T PET/MR scanner, as well as the MSOT photoacoustic instrument, to meet the growing molecular and functional imaging research needs of investigators.

Additionally, we provide tail vein injections, catheters, urine collection, and blood draws services.

To Image with us:

MRB Animal Facility training session and Imaging Center Orientation sessions are required to obtain access to the MRB Animal Facility and to the Molecular Imaging Center and Cancer Functional Core in MRB (B14) and CRB2 (LB03). Please keep in mind that obtaining access to these facilities requires time.

New users should:

1. Apply for access to MRB Animal Facility

2. Contact Dr. Elena Artemova at for the orientation tour and access to MRB Molecular Imaging Center.

Miller Research Building
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
733 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205

3. Contact Dr. Santosh Yadav at for the orientation tour of our CRB2 satellite facility.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1550 Orleans Street
Baltimore, MD 21205 21231

The service center has dedicated technical and administrative staff to assist users. Reservations and charging are done through iLab.


Zaver M. Bhujwalla, M.Sc., Ph.D., Director

Marie-France Penet Vidaver, Ph.D., Assistant Director

Lab Management

Santosh Yadav, Ph.D., Instructor

Xiaoju Yang, M.D., Research Specialist

Elena Artemova, Ph.D., Sr. Administrative Coordinator

View detailed descriptions of our scanner capabilities.

To reserve equipment, please go to our iLab page.