
About the Curriculum

Course schedule (individual schedules will vary)

Masters in Medical Physics program (Courses in Bold are required)

Fall – Year 1

Spring - Year 1





Radiological Physics and Dosimetry


Radiation Therapy Physics


Medical Imaging Systems


Radiation Protection and MR Safety


Fundamentals of Human Physiology




Research Ethics I


Research Ethics II


Medical Physics Seminar


Medical Physics Seminar


Total Credits


Total Credits


SUMMER Year 1 - Research (3-9 credits)

Fall – Year 2

Spring – Year 2





Radiation Biology


Radiopharmaceutical Therapy


Nuclear Medicine Imaging




Master’s Research


Master’s Research


Medical Physics Seminar




Total Credits


Total Credits


Core courses/elective courses

Core Medical Physics Courses (20 Cr)

All MP students are required to take the following courses (per CAMPEP).

  • ME.420.702 Radiological Physics and Dosimetry (3 cr)
  • ME.420.706 Radiation Biology (3 cr)
  • ME.420.703 Radiation Therapy Physics (3 cr)
  • ME.420.704 Radiation Protection and Safety (3 cr)
  • ME.420.710 Medical Imaging Systems (3 cr)
  • PH.183.631Fundamentals of Human Physiology (4 cr)
  • Research Ethics I and II (0 cr)*
  • ME.420.705 Medical Physics Seminar (.5 cr) must be taken first three semesters, but only 1 credit can be counted toward degree requirement

*University Requirement for graduation; no credit. All students in the School of Medicine are required to take 8 hours of Research Ethics (broken into two courses, held in December/4 hrs and March/4 hrs).

Other Required Courses (6 Cr)

All MP students are required to take the following additional courses.

  • ME.420.707 Nuclear Medicine Imaging (3 cr) fall Yr 2
  • ME.420.709 Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (3 cr) Spring Yr 2

Research Project (9 Cr)

Students are required to take at least 9 cr of independent research project or Master's thesis research.

Elective Courses (6 Cr)

Student shall take 6 (or more) additional credit hours from the following list of courses or other courses as approved by the Program Director.

SOM Medical Physics (EB campus)

  • Advanced Image Reconstruction (3 cr)
  • Quantitative Imaging Analysis (3 cr)
  • ME Molecular Imaging (3 cr)

PH Biostatistics (EB campus)

  • PH.140.615 Statistics for Laboratory Scientists I (4 cr)

Biomedical Engineering (Homewood campus)

  • EN.580.640 Systems Pharmacology and Personalized Medicine (4 cr)
  • EN.580.674 Introduction to Neuro-Image Processing (3 cr)
  • EN.580.679 Principles and Applications of Modern X-ray Imaging and Computed Tomography (3 cr)
  • EN.580.693 Imaging Instrumentation (4 cr)

Electrical and Computer Engineering (Homewood campus)

  • EN.520.623 Medical Image Analysis (3 cr)
  • EN.520.631 Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Beamforming (3 cr)
  • EN.520.659 Machine Learning for Medical Applications (3 cr)


Grading Policy

All programs follow the School of Medicine's standard for minimum grade requirements as outlined in the "Grading Policy" below, and include core and elective coursework, a weekly seminar, and a capstone (or thesis) project.

Effective with the incoming fall 2024 class:

  • No course with grade less than or equal to C may be counted. The overall grade point average of the courses counted towards the coursework requirements must be a 3.00 or higher (B average). At most, two independent study courses can be counted towards the course requirements.
  • Other than independent study courses, no courses with grades of S or Pass/Fail can be counted towards the coursework requirement unless that course is not offered for a letter grade. Be sure to consult your advisor or the program director before registering for a Pass/Fail course. Courses with grades of S or Pass/Fail will not be included in the grade point average calculation.
  • A grade of C or less will result in probation; a second C or less would be cause for being dropped from the program.


Upon being placed on probation the student will receive an email and official letter from the Program Director. An ad hoc subcommittee, comprising at least three members of the Executive Committee (of the Director’s choosing) will be assembled, and a formal meeting with the student scheduled. During the meeting the student will have the opportunity to review the grade with the committee, and to develop consensus on a plan to monitor future progress in the program, including a time line for meeting the program’s expectations. The notification and committee proceedings will become part of the student's permanent record, as will documentation of the students’ ongoing progress. On review of the fellows’ academic progress, the committee will recommend the students continuance or dismissal from the Program.


Students are expected to attend 1-hr seminars (every other week) or journal club sessions.


  • (faculty provide list of research projects to distribute for the master’s program)
  •  Based on research conducted over the 2-year period that has been approved by the program director.
  • Students negotiate with masters research adviser/PI regarding parameters of the research – time expected, parameters of the project, scope of the thesis.

Contact Us

Radiological Physics Division
Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
601 N. Caroline St., Suite 4263 Baltimore MD 21287

Phone: 443-287-2425

Admissions Inquiries: [email protected]