Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialty Areas

At the Johns Hopkins Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, we aim to restore function and help you maximize your quality of life. Whether that means managing pain, learning to walk, returning to work, or adjusting to life after illness, our team of experts works with you to design a custom treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

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Rehabilitation Therapy

Physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language therapy play a major role in many of our rehabilitation programs. Learn more about each type of therapy, our therapists and our convenient locations.

Hospital-Based Rehabilitation

The Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network offers a variety of hospital-based services that can help prepare you to return home after your hospital stay.
  • Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation

    Our inpatient programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and staffed with experienced physicians, nurses and therapists to help you practice self-care before returning home.

    inpatient rehabilitation unit at the Johns Hopkins Hospital
  • Rehabilitation Consultations

    Our inpatient rehab consult team assesses patients in inpatient units and acute care settings to recommend the right rehabilitation strategies.

    Physical therapist working on patient in acute care.
  • Renaissance Skilled Nursing Facility

    The Renaissance Skilled Nusring Facility at Sibley Memorial Hospital serves as a bridge between acute care and unassisted living, providing patients with a focused and consistent level of support.

    Nurse assisting patient fold clothing

Schedule An Appointment

Schedule by phone

Physician appointments443-997-5476

Therapy appointments:
Maryland clinics except Bayview: 443-997-5476
Johns Hopkins Bayview: 410-550-0414
Sibley Memorial Hospital: 202-364-7665

Schedule online through MyChart