Education and Implementation Services

Johns Hopkins Activity and Mobility Promotion offers a variety of education and consultation options, ranging from institution-level implementation support to hands-on frontline education. If you're unsure where to begin, start with Hospital Assessment and Project Design.

Let's Go

Get on the path to implementing a successful activity and mobility program today! Reach out and we can help build a JH-AMP plan that meets the needs of your institution.

Hospital Assessment and Project Design

Consultation and Report

The JH-AMP Team assesses the culture of mobility at your organization. This comprehensive evaluation covers education to electronic health record design and everything in between. Your organization will receive a detailed report and debrief session reviewing recommendations for implementing JH-AMP.

Implementation Design Workshop

Our experts meet with your project team and work collaboratively to establish your project plan, strategies and review the JH-AMP implementation guide and timeline.

Education Services

Johns Hopkins Annual Hospital Activity and Mobility Conference

The annual JH-AMP conference features on-demand didactic content and in-person didactic and interactive components.  Content includes the JH-AMP 8-Step Framework, Hospital Mobility Clinical Practice & Innovation, Hospital Program Integration (e.g. falls, delirium, SPH, pressure injury, mobility), and Best Practices.

View conference site

eLearning Course: Introduction to Johns Hopkins Activity and Mobility Promotion (4 Hours)

This foundational course for hospital leaders and program implementers details the JH-AMP 8 step framework. Content focuses on the tools and resources needed to design and implement structured quality improvement processes.

Watch sample video View course program (PDF)

eLearning Course: Frontline Onboarding and Education (1 Hour)

This course aims to educate frontline staff on the consequences of immobility harm, how to utilize functional measurement tools, techniques for engaging patients, and moving patients safely. This module can be loaded on your Learning Management System and licensed for access by an unlimited number of your organization’s staff per year.

View course program (PDF) Preview course

JH-AMP Mobility Advocate Course

This course empowers nursing staff with essential training to safely engage and mobilize patients using functional capacity scores to achieve daily mobility goals. Mobility advocates who receive this training will also be able to be a resource and coach their peers in promoting mobility.

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JH-AMP Certified Educator

This program provides a mechanism for your organization to sustain JH-AMP.  This program includes four distinct components:

  1. 4-step education process to allow educators to deliver the JH-AMP Mobility Advocate Course
  2. Access to the JH-AMP Mobility Advocate curriculum and resources
  3. Participation in the JH-AMP Certified Educator community and access to open office hours with JH-AMP subject matter experts
  4. Access to the JH-AMP Annual Conference


Strategic Program Development

JH-AMP meets with your executive and program leadership to develop strategic plans, review program progress, discuss program goals, and progress the implementation timeline.

Implementation Support and Project Management

JH-AMP embeds experts into your quality improvement team to progress your program through consistent consultation calls.

Electronic Health Record and Report Design

The JH-AMP team consults on your Electronic Health Record design to optimize clinical workflows. Our team shares reports, operational definitions, and key performance indicators necessary to track program performance.

Program Integration

Our team works with your organization to integrate JH-AMP with hospital specific programs to include but not limited to: Safety Quality (e.g. falls, delirium, pressure injury), Diagnosis Specific Populations, Critical Care practice, Age Friendly Health Systems, Surgical Pathways, Safe Patient Handling, etc.

Let's Go

Get on the path to implementing a successful activity and mobility program today! Reach out and we can help build a JH-AMP plan that meets the needs of your institution.