Common Mobility Language Guide and Toolkit

Activity and mobility programs can reduce length of stay, decrease readmissions, and improve patient outcomes. Such programs are an excellent method to drive value “by bending the cost curve” by improving patient outcomes at a lower cost to the hospital. Review our tools, resource and research as you begin implementing your systematic approach.

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What is Included in the JH-AMP Toolkit?

Establishing a Mobility Common Language: User Manual

A comprehensive guide to all of our tools.

Screenshot of JH-HLM guide

Johns Hopkins Highest Level of Mobility (JH-HLM) Scale

A performance measure of the patient’s highest level of mobility achieved. This common language tool provides a simple way to standardize the description of patient mobility across multidisciplinary providers.

Available in Spanish, German and Brazilian Portuguese.

Screenshot of the JH-MGC guide

Johns Hopkins Mobility Goal Calculator (JH-MGC)

This tool establishes an algorithm approach to setting daily mobility goals based on mobility limitation assessments. Establishing mobility goals is an effective strategy to improve overall mobility levels.

Available in Spanish, German and Brazilian Portuguese.

Screenshot of the JH-SPHM guide

Johns Hopkins Safe Patient Handling Mobility (JH-SPHM) Guide

This guide establishes a “common tool” for both safe patient handling and mobility assessment with an aim to increase compliance with mobility goal setting and equipment planning to drive safe patient mobility performance.

Screenshot of JH-ADL guide

Johns Hopkins Activities of Daily Living (JH-ADL) Guide

The JH-ADL Guide provides recommendations for the type of ADL to be performed in locations to meet the daily mobility goal (JH-HLM) while considering patients functional capacity as measured by AM-PAC® Inpatient Basic Mobility 6-Clicks scores.

Patient Mobilization: Attitudes and Beliefs Survey

Success in implementing patient mobility quality improvement processes requires evaluating providers’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. This novel survey identifies important barriers to mobilizing inpatients.

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Education and Implementation

If you are interested in learning more about how to implement these tools at your institution, explore our education and implementation offerings.