The JH-AMP 8-Step Framework

Problem: For over 135 years, it has been demonstrated that mobility in a hospital setting is important to support positive patient outcomes. However, implementing patient mobility intervention has been challenging, leading to negative outcomes and acquired hospital debility.

Solution: the JH-AMP framework provides tools and resources to help healthcare professionals establish a collaborative culture of mobility, successfully integrating mobility as an essential component of hospital operations, quality improvement and patient safety efforts.

Our framework details 8 distinct steps to successfully implement and sustain a culture of mobility.

Organizational Prioritization

Systematic Measurement & Daily Mobility Goal

Barrier Mitigation

Interprofessional Roles

Education and Training

Education icon

Workflow Integration

Data Feedback

Promotion & Awareness

Education and Implementation

If you are interested in creating a culture of patient mobility at your institution, explore our education and implementation offerings.