Patient Medical Records
Johns Hopkins institutions have put guidelines in place to protect your privacy. Patient records are confidential and are maintained by the Health Information Management Department. Patients or their representatives with legal medical power of attorney can authorize the release of confidential patient information.
- Access Electronic Medical Record
- Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances
- Request a Copy of Your Medical Record
- Birth and Death Certificates
- Health Information Exchanges
Electronic Medical Record
Enhanced Partnering For Your Care
Beginning March 25, 2021, Johns Hopkins Medicine will make more information available to patients through MyChart. MyChart is a secure website that provides medical information to you about your Johns Hopkins care and connects you to your health care team. MyChart is a secure portal protected by advanced encryption technology. Only you and your proxy will be able to access your account via a password. Most sections of MyChart are available in English and Spanish. Parts of clinical notes and the after visit summary may not be fully translated. Use of a health care-approved interpreter is advised in situations where full translation is not available. Interpreter services are available at all JHM facilities.
MyChart will now have immediate access to the following:
This means we release results immediately. You may see them before your provider does. You will get an email when a new result is available. You will receive a second email if your provider adds comments. You may want to wait a few days before viewing the result if you do not want to see your results before your provider has commented on them or contacted you
.Please contact the provider who ordered the test if you have questions about your results. -
You will see clinical notes about your care as soon as they are signed and finalized. Many patients find this to be very helpful in managing their own care while reminding them what their provider recommended. Contact your provider if you have questions or concerns about your notes.
Commonly Asked Questions
To help you manage your own care or your dependent's care, you can access health information online by requesting a MyChart proxy access account. A proxy access account gives another person permission to see certain types of information about your health that is in your medical record. The level of access to MyChart information depends on the dependent's age.
The information blocking rule, which is part of 21st Century Cures Act, requires that we make your information available to you without delay. It is up to you to decide whether or not to look at that information. If you prefer not to see this information until your provider has discussed it with you, you do not need to open and view those reports.
The first step should be to send a MyChart message to your provider explaining your concerns. If your provider agrees, they may edit the notes to correct the error. If your provider does not change the notes and you still feel that something is not correct, you can file a formal request to amend your record.
To ask for an amendment, download the Request to Amend My Protected Health Information. Once you have completed, signed, and dated the form, please email, fax or mail it using the contact information on the form. If you cannot download this form, please call 410-955-6043 and we will mail or fax a copy to you.
Please see this tipsheet for instructions to access your test results and clinical notes.
Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances
Starting January 1, 2022, Maryland law requires all controlled substance prescriptions to be submitted electronically. Similar laws are already in place in Florida and Virginia. Controlled substances are medications that may be abused or cause addiction. This includes but is not limited to opioids, stimulants, some sedatives and anti-anxiety medications, anabolic steroids and some medications used to control seizures and/or nerve pain. Learn more about controlled substances.
Electronic prescribing allows healthcare practitioners to send prescriptions to a participating pharmacy electronically instead of using printed prescriptions.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can see your current and past prescriptions by signing into your MyChart account, clicking "Menu" and then "Medications". On this page, you can access your current medications and request renewals.
If you don't have a MyChart account, you can sign up online.
You can pick or update your pharmacy through your MyChart account. If you don't have a Mychart account, you can sign up online.
You can also ask your provider to update your pharmacy during your appointments.
We recommend a pharmacy that will fit your needs (such as open 24 hours or on weekends).
Yes, all providers in Maryland, Florida, and Virginia are required to send prescriptions for controlled substances electronically regardless of the state where the prescription is being filled.
Yes, providers will be able to renew prescriptions online.
How to Request a Copy of Your Medical Records
To request your medical records through MyChart, follow the instructions on this page. To request your records through the Health Information Management (HIM) Department, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Fill Out the Form
To request a copy of your medical records for yourself or to have your medical records sent to a third-party, download and complete the "Requests by Patient or Patient Representative for Copy of Health Information" form.
To get copies of medical records for someone other than yourself, download the applicable form:
- Authorization for Release of Health Information (hospitals)
- Authorization for Release of Mental Health Information
- Authorization for Release of Health Information (JHCP)
- Authorization for Release of Health Information Johns Hopkins Care at Home - legal name Johns Hopkins Home Care Group, Inc.)
- Authorization for Release of Health Information (All other providers)
The form must be completed by the patient or patient representative and clearly state the dates of service, the specific type of record(s) desired and all other information indicated on the form.
You can also get copies of these forms at the Johns Hopkins facility where you received care, or ask for the form to be mailed, e-mailed or faxed to you.
Please note: If you are under psychiatric care, your request will need to be reviewed by your psychiatrist or designee prior to release of your medical records. If your request is denied, a summary from your psychiatrist may be obtained by written request to the HIM Department.
Costs for Copies
In accordance with federal and state laws, processing fees and copying charges may apply:
- If the record is being released directly to your private physician or another health care facility, there is no charge associated with copying your records.
- For copies released to your or a third party upon your request or the request of your personal representative, a fee of $6.50 may apply for the portion of your medical record maintained electronically, and a fee of up to $0.12 per page plus a $0.90 flat labor fee may apply for the portion of your medical record maintained on paper or microfilm.
- Third-Party Requests: Third parties may be charged a flat fee for retrieval in addition to fees associated with producing these records.
- The costs may vary depending on the facility and are subject to change in accordance with the state and federal laws.
- Johns Hopkins hospitals contract with CIOX Health to process certain record copy requests. If there is a charge for records, an invoice will be issued from CIOX Health or the hospital's Health Information Management Department, including payment instructions.
Step 2: Submit the Form
Please select the facility where you received care to find information about how to submit your medical records request. If you are requesting medical records from a Johns Hopkins facility other than those listed below, please call the facility directly to learn where to submit your request.
Mail, fax, or drop off your completed form to the applicable address/fax number listed below.
NOTE: We will fax medical records only to another health care provider or facility for continuing medical care.
Medical Records
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Health Information Management Department
600 North Wolfe Street
Phipps Building, Room B150
Baltimore, MD 21287
Phone: (General Reception): 410-955-6044
Fax: 410-502-5186
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. -
Mail, fax, or drop off your completed form to the applicable address/fax number listed below.
NOTE: We will fax medical records only to another health care provider or facility for continuing medical care.
General Medical Records
The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Health Information Management Department
4940 Eastern Avenue
A Building/Ground Floor
Baltimore, MD 21224-2780Phone: (General Reception): 410-550-0692 / 410-550-0688
Fax: 410-550-3409 / 410-550-4819
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. -
Please mail or fax your request to:
Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center
Health Information Management
5755 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044
Fax: 410-740-7543Important Phone Numbers:
Release of Medical Record Information: (phone) 410-740-7953, (fax) 410-740-7543
Radiology Film Library: 410-740-7924
Health Information Management (General Reception): 410-740-7950
Birth Registry: 410-740-7597The health information department is open to the public from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for holidays.
To obtain a copy of radiology films, contact the Image Library at 410-740-7924. The image librarian will need your name and date of birth to confirm your identity to locate your exams. Please be prepared with the dates range and/or exams for which you are requesting copies. You will be asked for a date/time you wish to pick up your images. Proper identifications must be presented at the time of pick-up. Upon arrival at the hospital, proceed to the information desk and ask to be directed to the film library. It's a short distance from the main entrance of the hospital.
Mail, fax, or drop off your completed medical release form using the information below:
Sibley Memorial Hospital
Health Information Management Department
5255 Loughboro Road NW
Washington, D.C. 20016
Health Information Management (general reception): 202-537-4088
Fax: 202-966-4096 or 202-660-7086
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. -
Please submit your medical release form to the medical records office by fax, mail or in person. The form should be completed and dated. Request from attorneys and insurance companies must be mailed or delivered in person; accompanied with the signed patient release form.
Medical Records staff are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
Suburban Hospital Medical Records
8600 Old Georgetown Rd.
Bethesda, MD 20814
Health Information Management: 301-896-3777
Fax: 301-896-7352If you have any questions about how to request a patient's records, please call 301-896-3777.
Please submit your medical release form to the medical records office by fax, mail, or in person. The form should be completed and dated.
Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Attn: Release of Information, Dept. #6500002401
601 5th Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Fax: 727-767-8312If you have additional questions, please call 727-767-4282.
Please submit your medical release form to the medical records office by fax, mail, or in person. The form should be completed and dated.
JHCP Medical Records
Health Information Management
3910 Keswick Rd
Suite S3500
Baltimore, MD 21211
Fax: 443-997-1357If you have any questions about how to request a patient's records, please call 443-997-1355.
Please submit your medical release form to the medical records office by fax, mail, or in person. The form should be completed and dated.
Johns Hopkins Home Care Group
Patient Information Center
5901 Holabird Avenue, Suite A
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: 410-288-8000
Fax: 410-367-3249 -
Obtain a copy of the Authorization for Release of Health Information Form
- You may download and print a copy of the Authorization for Release of Health Information Form
- You can also request a copy to be mailed to you by calling
Submit the Form
Please mail or fax your authorization release form.
By Mail:
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Wilmer Eye Institute
600 N. Wolfe Street, Maumenee 727
Baltimore, MD 21287By Fax:
Fax your request to 443-683-8330.
How long does it take to get copies of my record?
Depending on the state, applicable law generally allows between 21 and 30 days to process requests for copies of medical records, but it typically doesn't take that long. Copy requests related to direct patient care, such as a scheduled doctor appointment, get priority. If you need records for an appointment, please provide the appointment date on the request.
We will fax medical records only to another health care provider or facility for continuing medical care, and only if the patient is in the health care provider's office. To have the records delivered beforehand, please request them to be mailed.
If you are picking up a copy of your record, you will need photo ID. Only the patient or patient representative may pick up a copy of the record, unless otherwise indicated in writing by the patient or patient representative.
Requesting Your Medical Record Information Through a Third-Party Application
You can now download your medical record information through a third-party application (app) of your choice by making a request for records through your selected app. Please note that while Johns Hopkins does not endorse or have an affiliation with any specific third-party app, there are several apps available to the public that already have permissions to connect to the Johns Hopkins electronic medical record system. Selecting one of these apps will make getting access to your medical record information quicker.
Please note that regardless of the app you select to access your medical record information, Johns Hopkins has no responsibility for or control over the security or privacy of your information once the information has been shared with the app. Please be sure to review all the terms and conditions and privacy policy of your selected app prior to requesting your information be shared.
Requesting Change to Your Medical Record
If you believe there is an error in your medical record, the first step should be to send a MyChart message to your provider explaining your concerns. If your provider agrees, they may edit the notes to correct the error. If your provider does not change the notes and you still feel that something is not correct, you may file a formal request to amend your record
To ask for an amendment, download the Request to Amend My Protected Health Information.. Once you have completed, signed, and dated the form, please email, fax or mail it using the contact information on the form. If you cannot download this form, please call 410-955-6043 and we will mail or fax a copy to you.
Health Information Exchange
HIEs can improve the quality, safety, speed and cost of patient care and can assist providers in making more informed decisions. Some examples of information that can be shared through HIEs include laboratory orders and results, notes, radiology images, discharge summaries, and immunization data.
To opt out of those HIEs that allow your provider to share your information directly through Johns Hopkins’ electronic medical record system, please call 1-800-318-4246 during regular business hours. Johns Hopkins is also mandated by Maryland state law to participate in the Maryland state-designated HIE, Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP). To opt out of participating in CRISP, you can contact CRISP at 1-877-952-7477 or complete an opt-out form on its website at
To protect your privacy and your right to receive lawful reproductive health care in the state of Maryland, a new state law (SB0786) requires that health-care organizations no longer share or receive information about abortion care through health information exchanges.
Effective Oct. 17, 2024, all Johns Hopkins Medicine facilities (including those outside of Maryland) will no longer share this information to other organizations. You will continue to see your reproductive care in MyChart and can continue to share your full medical record with treating providers and other third parties through the MyChart Sharing Hub.
Birth and Death Certificates
Johns Hopkins hospitals do not provide birth certificates or death certificates. For certified copies of a birth, death or fetal death certificate, contact the vital records office in the state where the birth or death occurred:
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Division of Vital Records
410-764-3038 (local) or 1-800-832-3277 (toll-free).
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. Center for Health Statistics Vital Records Division (for births and deaths at Sibley Memorial Hospital)
825 North Capital Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002
202-442-9303 or 202-442-5865
To obtain copies of birth certificates you must call or write to request a copy. The fee is $23. Make checks payable to the D.C. Treasury. If writing, you must include the child's name, date of birth, mother's maiden name and father's name in your request. If picking up in person, you must present a picture ID.