Patient Safety and Quality Pathway

Patient Safety Quality Pathway

The Patient Safety and Quality Pathway is designed to expose housestaff to the breadth of opportunity within the field of healthcare quality, and to train residents to incorporate healthcare quality work into their careers. This may include: 

  • Conducting quality improvement initiatives locally, institution-wide, regionally, or nationally  
  • Performing healthcare quality research 
  • Overseeing/guiding healthcare equality work as a healthcare administrator
  • Consulting with/advising public health, governmental, and/or non-for-profit organizations

Our Residents

About the Program

The Department of Medicine provides a pathway for physicians within the Osler Medical Residency and the Bayview Internal Medicine Residency to develop robust careers geared toward improving patient safety and quality and has created a vigorous educational environment with strong mentorship and support.

Upon completion of the Patient Safety and Quality Pathway, participants will be able to: 

  1. Develop foundational healthcare quality knowledge  
  2. Apply knowledge by completing a mentored quality-related capstone project 
  3. Disseminate project findings at local/regional/national conferences or via publication 
  4. Participate in institutional/departmental safety and quality committees 
  5. Engage with a community of colleagues and leaders in healthcare quality 
  6. Appreciate the diversity of work within the field of healthcare quality 

Pathway Structure

Residents in this pathway will receive intensive didactic training in healthcare quality, complete a mentored capstone project, partake in regular journal club/work-in-progress meetings, lead morbidity and mortality conferences, join institutional/departmental safety and quality committees, and receive professional-development mentoring. 

How to Apply

Request for applications is distributed each January via email. Please reach out to the pathway director with questions.


Sara Keller, MD MPH MSPH

  • Associate Professor of Medicine