Fellowship Programs

Rheumatology Postdoctoral Fellows

The Department of Medicine offers subspecialty training in fourteen areas. Our fellowship programs offer valuable training and mentorship from experts in their fields for individuals interested in both research and patient care.

Office of Postdoctoral Programs

The Office of Postdoctoral Programs of the Department of Medicine was initiated in 1996, with Dr. David Levine as Director. The overiding goals of the Office are to 1) Coordinate with all Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs in the Department of Medicine to strengthen the quality of training, and 2) Serve an ombudsman role for all fellows to discuss any issue, in confidence, related to their training or career and professional development.

Additional roles the Office now serves include:

  • Planning and coordinating with department-wide educational and professional programs for fellows
  • Enhance approaches to adequate mentoring, career guidance, and periodic feedback and evaluation to fellows
  • Work with other departmental or school-wide programs, such as The Task Force For Women's Academic Careers in Medicine and the Office of Professional Development, to sponsor educational and professional development programs and opportunities
  • Conduct initial orientation meetings with all fellows
  • Hold individual meetings with fellows regarding their progress and career development
  • Meet with any fellow about any concern and, when necessary, works with the fellow's mentor, Fellowship Director, and Division Director to solve problems
  • Conduct annual evaluation of all graduating fellows regarding their experience, with emphasis on mentoring, career guidance, and quality of the training

The Office serves as a resource to all Divisions and to all the fellows. Dr. David Levine can be contacted by email (dlevine@jhmi.edu) or telephone (410-464-4577).