Medical Students

medical students

Core Clerkship in Internal Medicine

The Core Clerkship in Internal Medicine introduces students to the discipline of internal medicine. Following three days of PRECEDE (Pre-Clerkship Education Exercises), students spend half the rotation at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and the other half at either Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center or Sinai Hospital of Baltimore. During the rotation, students work with general medical ward teams, which include residents and faculty. Instruction occurs through direct patient contact, student conferences and teaching rounds with residents and interns.

Subinternship in Medicine

medical students on match day

The Department of Medicine offers the Subinternship in Medicine, a one-month rotation that provides medical students additional training and experience in management of the hospitalized patient on an internal medicine inpatient ward. Students may rotate on house staff teams or hospitalist-led teams at both The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.

Students often enroll in the Advanced Clerkship in Medicine to better prepare for an internship year in internal medicine, to make a decision about internal medicine residency or as a last opportunity to study internal medicine prior to residency training in another field. In fact, the Department of Medicine encourages all students to take the Advanced Clerkship in Medicine (subinternship) prior to graduation, as it is an outstanding preparation for postgraduate training in any field.

Internal Medicine Electives

For a full list of internal medicine electives, view the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Medical Student Elective Book.

Visiting Fourth Year Medical Student Clerkship to Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Fourth-Year Medical Student Clerkship to Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion exposes fourth-year medical students who intend to pursue a career in internal medicine or its subspecialties, to career opportunities available in an academic medical center and includes an assigned faculty mentor, exposure to research programs (emphasizing those focused on addressing health disparities), service learning opportunities through community outreach programs and assistance in preparing for residency interviews.

Applicants from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine are strongly encouraged to apply! According to the AAMC: "Underrepresented in medicine means those racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population."

Visiting Medical Students

For information about the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Visiting Medical Student Program, view the Visiting Students Policy.