Center for Health Technology and Innovation Empowering Patients and Clinicians to Improve Cardiovascular Care

The mission of the Center for Health Technology & Innovation is to leverage mobile and wearable technologies to empower patients and clinicians, enhance quality of care, increase value, and achieve equity in the diagnosis and management of heart diseases and stroke.

Current Research Projects

In-Home Diagnostic Triage via Smartphone Video Virtual Check-In for Potential Stroke Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic — A Novel Approach to Improving Cardiovascular Health Equity and Long-Term Cardiovascular Prevention.
hand holding smartphone icon
A novel smartphone software application to accurately and reliably quantify the “H.I.N.T.S.” exam to aid in correct diagnosis of posterior fossa (brainstem or cerebellar) stroke vs. vestibular neuritis (labyrinthitis) in acute dizziness/vertigo in diverse populations.
dizzy person icon
A virtual cardiovascular rehabilitation program for secondary pan-vascular prevention in patients of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds with stroke, acute myocardial infarction, and other cardiovascular conditions.
heart pulse icon


Our research team has developed numerous technological innovations and advancements in the field of cardiovascular care including:

  • Developed a friendly and intuitive technology platform that empowers patients with cardiovascular diease to take a more active role in their care
  • Development of a loaner program for smart phones and smart watches to close the digital divide and promote health equity
  • Johns Hopkins installed smart TVs in the cardiology units to enhance patient and family education
  • Deployed an app to improve patient self-management in guideline-based care to heart attack patients hospitalized at 4 hospitals across 3 states in the MiCORE study
  • Development of “Stroke Goggles” to improve the diagnosis and care of stroke and recovery



Faculty and Staff

Josef Coresh, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Cardiovascular Epidemiology Training Program
Dr. Coresh Picture
Jennifer Ding, Ph.D.
Jennifer Ding, PhD. Picture
Farin Kamangar, M.D., Ph.D.
Steering Committee
Farin Kamangar, M.D., Ph.D.
Yuejin Li, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology
Yuejin Li, M.D
Francoise Marvel, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Francoise Marvel, M.D. picture
Ayodele McClenney
Director, Strategic Initiatives and Business Development
Ayodele McClenney Picture
Erin Spaulding, Ph.D., R.N.
Assistant Professor
Erin Spaulding, Ph.D., R.N. picture
Ali Saber Tehrani, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Ali Tehrani, M.D. picture

Students and Trainees

Pouya Bastani, M.D.
Neurology Fellow & AHA SFRN Fellow
center health technology - image of Dr. Pouya Bastani
Kellen Knowles, M.D.
Internal Medicine Resident
Kellen Knowles, MD., picture
Pauline Huynh, B.A.
Mobile Health Fellow
Pauline Huynh, BA., picture
Nino Isakadze, M.D.
Cardiology Fellow
Nino Isakadze
Chang Hoon Kim, M.D. Ph.D.
Cardiology Fellow and AHA SFRN Fellow
Dr. Kim profile picture
Kevon-Mark Jackman, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Kevon-Mark Jackman
Lochan Shah, B.A.
Medical Student
Lochan Shah, BA., picture
Rose Shan, B.S.
Mobile Health Fellow
Rose Shan, BS., picture
Apurva Sharma, M.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Apurva Sharma, MD., picture
Daniel Weng, B.A.
Medical Student
Daniel Weng, BA., picture
Shannon Wongvibulsin, Ph.D.
Medical Student
Shannon Wongvibulsin, PhD., picture
Helen Xun, B.S.
Medical Student
Helen Xun, BS., picture
William Yang, M.D.
Internal Medicine Resident
William Yang, MD., picture


  • Hung G, Yang WE, Marvel FA, Martin SS. Mobile health application platform 'Corrie' personalises and empowers the heart attack recovery patient experience in the hospital and at home for an underserved heart attack survivor. BMJ Case Rep. 2020;13(2):e231801. Published 2020 Feb 17. doi:10.1136/bcr-2019-231801
  • Yang WE, Spaulding EM, Lumelsky D, et al. Strategies for the Successful Implementation of a Novel iPhone Loaner System (iShare) in mHealth Interventions: Prospective Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2019;7(12):e16391. Published 2019 Dec 16. doi:10.2196/16391
  • William E Yang, MD; Lochan M Shah, BA; Erin M Spaulding, RN, BSN; Jane Wang, MD; Helen Xun, BS; Daniel Weng, BA; Rongzi Shan, BS; Shannon Wongvibulsin, PhD; Francoise A Marvel, MD; Seth S Martin, MD, MHS. The role of a clinician amid the rise of mobile health technology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2019 Aug. DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocz131

Affiliated Labs

Seth Martin Lab

Principal Investigator: Seth Martin, M.D., M.H.S.

Dr. Martin's research is focused on rapid generation of new knowledge through clinical studies that can be brought back to the bedside to directly inform the care of patients with advanced lipid disorders and those in need of state-of-the-art comprehensive CV prevention. Members of his lab commit to complete ownership of their project, unwavering pursuit of excellence, and thrive on multidisciplinary teamwork. Active projects include the Very Large Database of Lipids, CASCADE FH Registry, MiCORE (Myocardial infarction, COmbined device, Recovery Enhancement), Google Health Search Trial, and mActive-Smoke.

For more information, please visit the Ciccarone Center.

Research Areas: digital and mobile health, atherosclerosis, lipidology, precision medicine, myocardial infarction
Photo of Dr. Seth Shay Martin

Donate to the Center for Health Technology & Innovation

Your donation helps researchers and physicians to make advances in cardiovascular disease management and treatment for patients.