Severs Disease

Severs Disease

Patrick Mularoni, MD discusses how severs disease causes pain in an athlete’s heel and often occurs in children age 7 to 15. Recovery typically includes rest along with implementing a stretching regimen to increase flexibility of the calf muscle.

Severs disease is a condition that causes pain in an athlete's heels.

This is a condition that we commonly manage in the Johns Hopkins All Children's Sports Medicine clinic as it often occurs in the growing athlete who is 7-15 years of age.

The pain associated with Sever's disease is located at the area where the Achilles tendon inserts into the calcaneous or heel bone.

With the start of a new exercise routine or an increase in training intensity, inflammation can occur as the strong Achilles tendon repeatedly pulls against the athlete's heel.

A young athlete may complain of increase pain in this are upon waking up in the morning and the pattern of pain will also increase during vigorous activity. You may notice mild swelling at the back of the heel and the area is often sensitive to touch.

The repeated microtrauma caused by the tight Achilles tendon pulling of the calcaneous (or heel bone) can be decreased by icing the affected area immediately following activity. 

A stretching regimen should be initiated to increase flexibility in the calf muscles as well.

The best chance a player has for recovery would include a period of rest for 1 -2 weeks away from intense physical activity which caused the inflammation.

If you think that your child has Sever's disease they should be seen by a Physician who is comfortable with diagnoses and evaluation of this condition.

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