Vision Rehabilitation

Wilmer's Vision Rehabilitation  department is aimed at the treatment of vision impairment that cannot be corrected with glasses, contacts, medication or surgery. Typically, this loss of vision is caused by age-related eye conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration or diabetic eye disease.

Vision rehabilitation services at Wilmer are made possible, in part, through the generosity of the Lions Clubs of Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia, as well as the Lions Vision Research Foundation.

Request an Appointment: 410-955-0580

For New Patients

All new patients should download, complete and bring the New Patient Form from the button below to your first visit.

  • Our Experts

    Meet the team that optimizes vision in patients with visual impairment.

    Dr. Judith Goldstein performs optical exam
  • Our Education

    Learn about our one-year clinical Lions Low Vision Fellowship.

    A group of Wilmer residents in meeting
  • Our Research

    Explore the ways we are improving the lives of patients with low vision.

    Wilmer staff observe ophthalmologic images

Conditions We Treat

On the Front Lines of Low Vision

Wilmer researcher Bonnielin Swenor, who is living with macular degeneration, a sight-robbing condition, has no time to waste in her efforts to advance research in low vision and aging.


Lions Vision Research and Rehabilitation Center
The Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins
600 North Wolfe Street, 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD  21287