Application and Fee Schedule


Applications are required prior to gaining access to the equipment. The Microscopy at the Wilmer Eye Institute (MWEI) Committee reviews all user applications to determine how each applicant will best be served: by training to become an independent user, or by using our fee for service option. Please understand that the application process does not automatically guarantee approval. Priority will be given to NIH-funded Wilmer investigators as required by our NEI Core Grant for Vision Research. Other applicants will be considered as equipment usage permits.

Please complete the MWEI user application using one form per applicant and per piece of large equipment. You may also use this form to request estimates for TEM fee for service work or our EM skills training package.

All user applications should be submitted to the facility administrator, Mary Ellen Pease at They will be reviewed by the MWEI committee and the decision returned by email.

Download the MWEI application

Fee Schedule

An itemized invoice of instrument(s) hourly use, training fees and fee for service charges will be sent to each PI twice a year: after the midpoint of the fiscal year (December 31) and again after the close of the fiscal (June 30). At the time of invoicing, the budget number(s) for the SAP cost transfer will be requested for processing on our end.”

If you have any questions regarding billing, please contact us.

See the fee schedule