Penis Transplant Program

Become Complete After Penile Injury

Reconstructive penis transplant surgery can help men regain their confidence and intimacy after traumatic injury, severe micropenis, congenital absence of the penis, or loss of the penis after surgical treatment for penile cancer.

Our multidisciplinary team provides comprehensive care and treatment for cisgender male patients who qualify as candidates. This procedure is currently not available for transgender men. Learn more about gender affirmation surgery offered at The Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health.

IRB: #NA_00089306

Why Choose Johns Hopkins for Penis Transplant Surgery?

Our surgeons use donor penile tissue to reconstruct the penis or scrotum for cisgender male patients.

Multidisciplinary Treatment

We collaborate with different departments at Johns Hopkins to provide the most effective care during each stage of the transplant procedure.

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Care for Wounded Veterans

Our research program specializes in caring for wounded veterans who have damaged or lost complete function of their penis.

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Groundbreaking Research

Our comprehensive research has led Johns Hopkins to become the first institution to perform a complete penis and scrotum transplant

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Frequently Asked Questions About Penis Transplant Surgery

Learn more about the process of receiving a penis transplant by reading answers to frequently asked questions about the procedure.

Meet Our Penile Transplant Specialists

The Johns Hopkins Hand and Arm Transplant Research Program is led by Richard James Redett, III, M.D.
  • Arthur Burnett, MD

    • Director, Basic Science Laboratory in Neuro-Urology
    • Professor of Urology
  • Damon Cooney, MD PhD

    • Clinical Director, Face Transplant Program, Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center
    • Associate Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Rick Redett, MD

    • Director, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
    • Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery