Meet Our Team

Request a consultation with our reconstructive transplant surgeons at Johns Hopkins.

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Face Transplant Program

  • Salih Colakoglu, MD

    • Assistant Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Damon Cooney, MD PhD

    • Clinical Director, Face Transplant Program, Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center
    • Associate Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Robin Yang, MD DDS

    • Director of Pediatric Plastic Surgery
    • Assistant Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Hand/Arm Transplant Program

Penile Transplant Program

  • Arthur Burnett, MD

    • Director, Basic Science Laboratory in Neuro-Urology
    • Professor of Urology
  • Damon Cooney, MD PhD

    • Clinical Director, Face Transplant Program, Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center
    • Associate Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Rick Redett, MD

    • Director, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
    • Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery