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  • Diane Griffin Lab

    Research in the Diane Griffin Lab focuses on the viral, cellular and immunologic determinants of diseases caused by alphaviruses and the measles virus. Our current studies aim to understand the immune-system mechanisms behind viral clearance and disease enhancement. Our team is also working to understand the pathogenesis of the measles virus, with a focus on developing new vaccines and learning how the virus induces immunosuppression.

    Principal Investigator

    Diane Edmund Griffin, MD PhD



  • Mark Dredze Lab

    The Mark Dredze Lab investigates topics such as natural language processing, speech, machine learning and intelligent user interfaces. Our team is currently exploring several key health information applications, including information extraction from social media and biomedical and clinical texts. Our recent research in these areas include vaccine communication during the Disneyland measles outbreak; the validity of online drug forums for estimating trends in drug use; and the use of Twitter to examine social rationales for vaccine refusal.

    Principal Investigator

    Mark H. Dredze, PhD