Research Labs A-Z Listing
- S.C.O.R.E. Lab
- Safety and Functionality Eye Research (SAFER)
- Saleh Alqahtani Lab
- Salzberg Lab
- Samantha Pitts Lab
- Samuel Durso Lab
- Samuel R. Denmeade Laboratory
- Sanjay Desai Lab
- Saowanee Ngamruengphong Lab
- Sapna Kudchadkar Lab
- Sara Cosgrove Lab
- Sara Mixter Lab
- Sarah Clever Lab
- Saraswati Sukumar Lab
- Sarbjit Saini Lab
- Schneck Lab
- Sean Agbor-Enoh Lab
- Sean Berenholtz Lab
- Sean Leng Lab
- Sean T. Prigge Lab
- Sean Tackett Lab
- Sean Taverna Laboratory
- Sensorimotor Adaptation - Vestibular and Oculomotor
- Sesaki Lab
- Seth Blackshaw Lab
- Seth Margolis Laboratory
- Seth Martin Lab
- Sevil Yasar Lab
- Seydoux Lab
- Shanthini Sockanathan Laboratory
- Shaoyong Yu Lab
- Sharon Turban Lab
- Shawn Lupold Laboratory
- Sherita Golden Lab
- Shigeki Watanabe Lab
- Shivani Patel Lab
- Shyam Sundar Biswal Lab
- Singh Lab: Stem Cell Transplant Group
- Sivanesan Neuromodulation Laboratory (SNL)
- Sonye Danoff Lab
- Sophie Lanzkron Lab
- Spinal Column Surgical Outcomes Lab
- Spinal Oncology Lab
- Spine Outcomes Research Center
- Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian Lab
- Stephen Gould Laboratory
- Stephen Mathai Lab
- Stephen Sisson Lab
- Stephen Sozio Lab
- Steve Cohen Lab
- Steven Claypool Lab
- Steven Frank Lab
- Steven Levin Lab
- Stivers Lab
- Stuart C. Ray Lab
- Suchi Saria Lab
- Sujatha Kannan Lab
- Suman Paul Laboratory
- Supendymoma and Ependymoma Research Center
- Susan Michaelis Lab
- Susan Tuddenham Lab
- Suzanne Jan de Beur Lab
- Suzanne Topalian Lab
- Svetlana Lutsenko Laboratory
- Swallowing Investigation in Physiology (SIP) Lab
- Sydney Dy Lab
- Systems Biology Laboratory
- Systems Neurobiology Laboratory
- The Sfanos Lab
- The Spinal Fusion Laboratory
- The Swenor Research Group