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  • Paul Worley Lab

    The Paul Worley Lab examines the molecular basis of learning and memory. In particular, we cloned a set of immediate early genes (IEGs) that are rapidly transcribed in neurons involved in information processing, and that are essential for long term memory. IEG proteins can directly modify synapses and provide insight into cellular mechanisms that support synapse-specific plasticity.
    Lab Website

    Principal Investigator

    Paul F. Worley, MD



  • Pediatric Cardiology Core Imaging Laboratory

    The lab’s assets include three MRI systems available for pediatric studies, cardiac imaging processing, cardiovascular imaging and therapeutic ultrasound. A robust echocardiogram program conducts 10,000 transthoracic echocardiograms and 1,300 fetal echocardiograms per year, and maintains a database with 10 years of data.

    Principal Investigator

    Shelby Kutty, MD PhD



  • Pediatric Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy Lab

    The team headed by Shenandoah “Dody” Robinson, M.D., professor of neurosurgery, neurology and pediatrics, studies perinatal brain injury and repair. Employing developmentally age-appropriate models, the lab investigates neurological consequences of extremely preterm birth, including cerebral palsy, chronic pain, cognitive and behavioral impairment, epilepsy and posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus of prematurity.
    Lab Website

    Principal Investigator

    Shenandoah Robinson, MD




  • Pediatric Proteome Center

    Allen Everett, M.D., and his colleagues are identifying new biomarkers — measurable, physical signs — to help in identifying pediatric heart disease. Everett is the program leader at Johns Hopkins in pediatric biomarker discovery, initially in sickle cell disease and subsequently in other pediatric clinical conditions (birth injury, congenital heart disease repair, ECMO, prematurity and pulmonary hypertension).

    Principal Investigator

    Allen D. Everett, MD




  • Pedro Alejandro Mendez-Tellez Lab

    Work in the Pedro Alejandro Mendez-Tellez Lab focuses on critical care medicine and acute lung injury. Recent studies include evaluating demographic and clinical factors associated with self-reported dysphagia after oral endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in patients with acute lung injury. We've also analyzed orticosteroids and their relationship with delirium in critically ill patients.
  • Peisong Gao Lab

    The Peisong Gao Lab’s major focus is to understand the immunological and genetic regulation of allergic diseases. We have been involved in the identification of the genetic basis for atopic dermatitis and eczema herpeticum (ADEH) as part of the NIH Atopic Dermatitis and Vaccinia Network-Clinical Studies Consortium. Major projects in the Gao Lab include immunogenetic analysis of human response to allergen, identification of candidate genes for specific immune responsiveness to cockroach allergen, and epigenetics of food allergy (FA).

    Principal Investigator

    Peisong Gao, MD PhD



  • Peter Abadir Lab

    Research in the Peter Abadir Lab focuses on the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), a signaling pathway that regulates blood pressure and has been linked independently to both aging and inflammation. We’re particularly interested in changes in RAS that occur with aging. We also study signal transduction and the role of the crosstalk between angiotensin II receptor in aging and are interested in understanding the function of angiotensin II in the process of vascular aging.

    Principal Investigator

    Peter Abadir, MD



  • Peter Agre Lab

    Work in the Peter Agre Lab focuses on the molecular makeup of human diseases, particularly malaria, hemolytic anemias and blood group antigens. In 2003, Dr. Agre earned the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering aquaporin water channels. Building on that discovery, our recent research has included studies on the protective role of the brain water channel AQP4 in murine cerebral malaria, as well as defective urinary-concentrating ability as a result of a complete deficiency in aquaporin-1. We also collaborate on scientific training and research efforts with 20 Baltimore-area labs and in field studies in Zambia and Zimbabwe.

    Principal Investigator

    Peter C. Agre, MD


    Biological Chemistry

  • Peter Terry Lab

    Work in the Peter Terry Lab deals primarily with ethical questions surrounding patientsÕ end-of-life care and decision making. We explore topics such as family involvement in health care decision making, informed consent in clinical medicine and effectiveness of palliative support care. Our team has investigated the development and validation of a family decision-making self-efficacy scale. Our research has also included exploring the ethics around the allocation of lifesaving resources during a disaster.

    Principal Investigator

    Peter B Terry, MD



  • Peter van Zijl Laboratory

    The Peter van Zijl Laboratory focuses on developing new methodologies for using MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to study brain function and physiology. In addition, we are working to understand the basic mechanisms of the MRI signal changes measured during functional MRI (fMRI) tests of the brain. We are also mapping the wiring of the brain (axonal connections between the brains functional regions) and designing new technologies for MRI to follow where cells are migrating and when genes are expressed. A more recent interest is the development of bioorganic biodegradable MRI contrast agents. Our ultimate goal is to transform these technologies into fast methods that are compatible with the time available for multi-modal clinical diagnosis using MRI.