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  • Peter Agre Lab

    Work in the Peter Agre Lab focuses on the molecular makeup of human diseases, particularly malaria, hemolytic anemias and blood group antigens. In 2003, Dr. Agre earned the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering aquaporin water channels. Building on that discovery, our recent research has included studies on the protective role of the brain water channel AQP4 in murine cerebral malaria, as well as defective urinary-concentrating ability as a result of a complete deficiency in aquaporin-1. We also collaborate on scientific training and research efforts with 20 Baltimore-area labs and in field studies in Zambia and Zimbabwe.

    Principal Investigator

    Peter C. Agre, MD


    Biological Chemistry

  • Philip Seo Lab

    Research interests in the Philip Seo Lab include the assessment and treatment of ANCA-associated vasculitides, particularly Churg-Strauss syndrome, granulomatosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis.

    Principal Investigator

    Philip Seo, MD



  • Andrew Lane Lab

    The Lane laboratory is focused on understanding molecular mechanisms underlying chronic rhinosinusitis, particularly the pathogenesis of nasal polyps, as well as inflammation on the olfactory epithelium. Diverse techniques in molecular biology, immunology, and physiology are utilized to study epithelial cell innate immunity, olfactory loss, and response to viral infection. Ongoing work explores how epithelial cells of the sinuses and olfactory mucosa participate in the immune response and contribute to chronic inflammation. The lab creates and employs transgenic mouse models of chronic nasal/sinus inflammation to support research in this area. Collaborations are in place with the School of Public Health to explore mechanisms of anti-viral immunity in influenza and COVID-19.
  • Antoine Azar Lab

    The Antoine Azar Lab conducts research on topics related to primary immunodeficiency diseases, allergies and lung disease. Specifically, we explore the role of primary immunodeficiency in certain difficult-to-treat chronic lung diseases, such as COPD, emphysema and asthma.

    Principal Investigator

    Antoine E. Azar, MD



  • Auditory Brainstem Laboratory

    The overall goal of the Auditory Brainstem Library is to understand how abnormal auditory input from the ear affects the brainstem, and how the brain in turn affects activity in the ear through efferent feedback loops. Our emphasis is on understanding the effects of different forms of acquired hearing loss (genetic, conductive, noise-induced, age-related, traumatic brain injury-related) and environmental noise. We are particularly interested in plastic changes in the brain that compensate for some aspects of altered auditory input, and how those changes relate to central auditory processing deficits, tinnitus, and hyperacusis. Understanding these changes will help refine therapeutic strategies and identify new targets for treatment. We collaborate with other labs in the Depts. of Otolaryngology, Neuroscience, Neuropathology, the Wilmer Eye Institute, and the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins, in addition to labs outside the university to increase the impact and clinical relevance of our research.
  • Adrian Dobs Lab

    Researchers in the Adrian Dobs Lab study topics that include gonadal dysfunction, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and the relationship between sex hormones and heart disease. We currently are investigating male gonadal function—with particular interest in new forms of male hormone replacement therapy—and hormonal changes related to aging.

    Principal Investigator

    Adrian Sandra Dobs, MD MHS



  • Agrawal Lab

    The Agrawal Lab is focused on the medical and surgical treatment of otologic and neurotologic conditions. Research is focused on the vestibular system (the inner ear balance system), and how the function of the vestibular system changes with aging. Particular focus is given to study how age-related changes in vestibular function influence mobility disability and fall risk in older individuals.
  • Alison Miles Lab

    Research in the Alison Miles Lab focuses on moral distress among pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) clinicians. We have interviewed practitioners involved in the long-term care of patients in the PICU from two months to two years. By identifying the challenges of these cases and what was learned, we hope to develop more effective stress-management strategies for providers. Providers who have less stress are better equipped to care for patients, including those living with chronic diseases. Our team hopes to ultimately improve the field of pediatric palliative care for patients, families and care providers.

    Research Areas

  • Alain Labrique Lab

    The Alain Labrique Lab conducts research on infectious diseases and public health. Our team studies the various factors that lead to maternal and neonatal mortality, particularly in underserved populations in South Asia, using the tools of infectious disease epidemiology, molecular biology and biostatistics. We work to better understand factors such as the interface of micronutrient deficiency and maternal/infant mortality and the prevention of nosocomial infections through mechanistic or nutritional interventions. We also have a longstanding interest in technologies that may enable early detection of disease.

    Principal Investigator

    Alain B. Labrique, PhD

  • Alicia Arbaje Lab

    Research in the Alicia Arbaje Lab aims to help older adults maintain dignity and quality of life as they age. We are particularly interested in creating health care systems to improve safety and outcomes for older adults.

    Principal Investigator

    Alicia Arbaje, MD MPH PhD

