Meditations and Relaxation Practices

Explore the different meditation and relaxation practice examples Dr. Neda Gould has created. These examples provide insight to how meditation and relaxation practices function and some of the techniques participants will let in the courses provided by this program.

Breathing Meditations

Our breath can be a reliable anchor to the present moment. It is always present and accessible. We just need to tune into it. Try these breathing meditations as a starting point.

Breathing Meditation - Dr. Neda Gould

Brief Meditations

Even a few minutes of mindfulness can help us recenter ourselves. Try these meditations at the start of your day, during periods of stress or when you only have a few moments for mindfulness practice.

2 Minute Guided Mindful Meditation for Fall

2 Minute Guided Mindful Meditation for Winter

2 Minute Guided Mindful Meditation for Spring

Body Scan for Sleep

Often when our bodies are ready for sleep our minds are still active. We review events from the day or plan for the day to come. The body scan meditation is a practice that can help bring us back to the present by focusing on sensations in the body.

Body Scan (Brief) - Dr. Neda Gould

Body Scan (Long) - Dr. Neda Gould

Self Compassion & Kindness Practices

One of the most powerful and, at times, most challenging practices is the act of bringing kindness to ourselves and others. This can be especially difficult during times of stress. Compassion practices can help us transform negative mind states and help us soften toward challenging emotions. You can use this guided audio as an example of how to bring kindness to yourself and others.

Loving Kindness - Dr. Neda Gould

Deep Breathing

You may notice that when you are stressed your breathing becomes shallow and rapid. Practicing deep breathing signals to the brain that it’s okay to relax.

Reducing Stress Through Deep Breathing

Guided Imagery

Bringing images to mind of peaceful places we have seen or imagine can have a positive effect on our levels of stress. Try practicing guided imagery using this audio initially. You may notice that you can then practice it on your own.

Reduce Stress Through Guided Imagery

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Our bodies can become accustomed to being tense when we are stressed. Progressive muscle relaxation begins to retrain our muscles to differentiate between tension and relaxation. With practice, you will be able to let go of this tension more readily.

Reduce Stress Through Progressive Muscle Relaxation