Child and Adolescent Research Volunteers Needed

ADHD | Anxiety | Autism Eating Behaviors and Disorders | ObesityPsychosis | Reading Difficulties | Substance Use DisordersHealthy Volunteers

Notice to researchers» 

OCD/Anorexia/Anxiety/Healthy Volunteers

Deep Phenotyping of Interoception in Adolescence: Making the imperceptible perceptible
We are recruiting youth ages 12 to 17 and their parents to take part in a research study at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine to understand the role of interoception (the ability to perceive internal sensations) in adolescent mental health in youth with and without obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anorexia nervosa (AN), and anxiety disorders. Participation involves a psychological evaluation with the parent and child, questionnaires about mental and behavioral health, an MRI scan, computer tasks to study memory and heartbeat perception, and mindfulness and relaxation exercises in virtual reality. The study requires ten hours of participation across four visits to the Johns Hopkins East Baltimore campus. There are no direct benefits (e.g., treatment) to the child for participating in this study. Participants and families will be compensated $200 total for participation in the research study. Joseph McGuire, Ph.D. is the principal investigator. Email or visit to learn more. (IRB Protocol # IRB00447147) DOWNLOAD FLYER (Healthy Controls), DOWNLOAD FLYER (OCD & Anxiety), DOWNLOAD FLYER (Anorexia)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Anomalous Motor System Physiology in ADHD: Biomarker Validation and Modeling Domains of Function (ages 8-12)
Dr. Stewart H. Mostofsky of Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is recruiting children with and without Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to participate in a research study to learn about ADHD. This research study investigates neural biomarkers (specific electrical signals in the motor area of the brain that control muscle movement and movement planning) associated with ADHD. During the research appointments, participants will complete a cognitive assessment, questionnaires, computer games that assess cognitive skills, movement activities that assess balance and coordination, and two 2-hour sessions of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). There are minimal risks and no direct benefit for participating in this research study. For more information about this, please email a study coordinator at Principal Investigator: Stewart H. Mostofsky, M.D. Protocol Number: IRB00251063. Click here for additional information.


Breathing Biofeedback for Panic and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents (ages 9-17)
This study is testing the efficacy of the Free-spira Breathing System, a pharmaceutical-free, FDA-cleared, at home device, for use in children and adolescents with anxiety and panic disorder. By instructing how to adjust breathing rate and depth via audio and visual cues, it aims to normalize your respiratory pattern. Previous clinical studies have shown that using the Free-spira Breathing treatment for four weeks can normalize respiratory patterns in adults. This breathing system includes a small hand-held sensor to measure breathing rate and the level of exhaled carbon dioxide in each breath, as well as a hand-held tablet computer with the Free-spira application. The application provides easy-to-follow audio and visual instructions that guide you through prescribed breathing sessions. While it has been shown to be safe and effective for adults suffering from anxiety, it has not yet been tested in children and adolescents. To participate in this study, individuals must be between 9 - 17 years of age and have a current diagnosis of an anxiety disorder and OCD, panic disorder, or a prior diagnosis of two of the following three disorders: social phobia, separation anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder. The research study entails four office visits to Hopkins over the span of 2 months, with each visit lasting approximately two hours, as well as four follow-up phone calls over a one-year period. Individuals will be compensated $60 for their participation in this study. For more information about this research study, please contact the Study Coordinator at (443) 287-2292 or by email at Research Study Sponsor: Pediatric Anxiety Fund, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences; PI: Marco A Grados, M.D., M.P.H  (IRB No. - IRB00097094)


Computerized Assessment of Motor Imitation (ages 6-12 and 18-40)
Dr. Stewart H. Mostofsky of Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is recruiting children and adults with and without Autism to participate in a research study to learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This study involves three days of testing, which includes an achievement and motor assessment, a dance imitation task, and a cognitive assessment. There are minimal risks and no direct benefits for participating in this research study. Participants will receive $50 per day of testing. For more information about this study, please contact a study coordinator at Principal Investigator: Stewart H. Mostofsky, M.D. Protocol Number: IRB00269589. Click here for additional information.

Sleep and Circadian Dysfunction, Brain and Neurodevelopmental Development in Autism (ages 6-12)
Dr. Stewart H. Mostofsky of Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is recruiting children with and without Autism to participate in a research study to learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This research study examines brain-based differences in childhood sleep patterns associated with autism spectrum disorders. Participants complete a half-day (4 hours) appointment that includes a cognitive assessment, a saliva collection using a saliva sampling kit, a 30-minute practice Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan to learn about the MRI scanning environment, and a 1-hour MRI scan. Participants also receive an actiwatch and sleep journal to take home for two weeks. The actiwatch is a device similar to a FitBit that collects data on light exposure and movement to assess sleep disruption. There are minimal risks and no direct benefit for participating in this research study. For more information about this, please email a study coordinator at Principal Investigator: Stewart H. Mostofsky, M.D. Protocol Number: IRB00318498. Click here for additional information

Eating Behaviors and Disorders

The impact of hypothalamic gliosis on appetite regulation and obesity risk in children (Brain Effects on Appetite & Metabolism – BEAM) 
We are conducting a study of the brain and appetite in children (9-11 y old). The study involves MRI scans, 1 blood draw, 2 urine collections, body composition measurements (height, weight, waist, body composition and energy expenditure), questionnaires, buffet meals, games, and prizes. There will be 5 total study visits spread over a span of 24 months. Compensation is up to $345 plus parking costs. If interested, please call 410-955-5099 or email PI: Susan Carnell, PhD (IRB #: NA_00210835). Download flyer


Youth Weight Management Research Study: CHAMPION Trial
This NIMH-funded research study will test whether taking part in a healthy weight management program at their home or outpatient clinic can help youth manage their weight and improve physical  fitness. We are looking for youth between the ages of 8 and 18 who are patients at Johns Hopkins Children’s Mental Health Center or Kennedy Krieger Institute, think they may have extra weight and  are interested in learning to manage a healthy weight. If interested in learning more, please call 443-509-5320 or email Principal Investigator: Gail L. Daumit, MD, MHS.  (IRB00130511). Download flyer. 

The impact of hypothalamic gliosis on appetite regulation and obesity risk in children (Brain Effects on Appetite & Metabolism – BEAM) 
We are conducting a study of the brain and appetite in children (9-11 y old). The study involves MRI scans, 1 blood draw, 2 urine collections, body composition measurements (height, weight, waist, body composition and energy expenditure), questionnaires, buffet meals, games, and prizes. There will be 5 total study visits spread over a span of 24 months. Compensation is up to $345 plus parking costs. If interested, please call 410-955-5099 or email PI: Susan Carnell, PhD (IRB #: NA_00210835). Download flyer


First Episode Psychosis: Longitudinal Characterization of Molecular Biomarker Changes Over the Early Course of Psychotic Disease (ages 13-35)
Researchers are seeking individuals diagnosed with a psychotic disorder to participate in a research study being done to study the cells of patients with psychotic disorders. Your participation may help improve the treatment of psychotic disorders for patients like you. This study is a longitudinal study over the course of three years (only a few visits required per year): you can earn up to $1740. To be eligible for this study, you must be between 13-35 years of age with a psychotic disorder diagnosis – this may include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and mood disorders. Qualified participants have the option of undergoing: blood draw, skin biopsy, nasal biopsy, lumbar puncture, and two sessions of brain scanning with MRI technology. To learn more, please call Candice at 443-287-4986 or email at (NA_00082086, Principal Investigator: Akira Sawa, MD, PhD)

Reading Difficulties

Reading Intervention Study (ages 8-12)
Dr. Keri Rosch of Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is recruiting children to participant in an MRI research study to investigate the effects of a reading training intervention with children with and without reading difficulties. This study involves two virtual visits and two in-person visits consisting of paper and pencil tests, questionnaires and a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan of the brain. The reading training program is completed at home using a computer through the internet and will last for 8 weeks. Participants will be able to earn up to $150 for completing the study and a picture of their brain. For more information about this study, please contact the Principal Investigator: Keri Rosch, Ph.D. Co-Principal Investigator: Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, Ph.D. Protocol Number: IRB00207805. Click here for additional information.

Substance Use Disorders

Adolescent marijuana users needed! -Brain Imaging (MRI) Treatment Study (ages 13-18)
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University are seeking adolescents, ages 13-18, who are enrolled in substance use treatment for marijuana use to participate in a new research study that seeks to understand how brain function changes during treatment. The study entails 3 visits (3-6 hour each visit), two of which will involve MRI scans. There is an optimal follow-up study involving three additional 30-60 min study visits. If you are interested in participating or would like further information please call/email: 443-900-3404 or You will be paid $160 for your participation. Participants completing the main + follow-up study will be paid $250. The research study uses a brain imaging technique called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). During the study you will perform cognitive tests/games and answer questions about your life, behaviors, and stressful events. No medications, no blood draws are involved. Participants under the age of 18 years will only be enrolled with the consent provided by a parent or guardian. You may be eligible if you: (a) Are 13-18 years old (b) Are receiving substance use treatment for marijuana use (c) Have no medical contraindications to completing an MRI scan. All emails/calls are confidential. Study #: IRB00093540, PI: Christopher Hammond, M.D. (Department of Psychiatry)

Healthy Volunteers

Be part of Brain Research! (ages 8-12)
Dr. Stewart H. Mostofsky of Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is recruiting children without Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to participate in a research study to learn about ADHD. We are looking for participants without ADHD to participate as “comparison subjects.” This research study investigates neural biomarkers (specific electrical signals in the motor area of the brain that control muscle movement and movement planning) associated with ADHD. During the research appointments, participants complete a cognitive assessment, questionnaires, computer games that assess cognitive skills, movement activities that assess balance and coordination, and two 2-hour sessions of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). There are minimal risks and no direct benefit for participating in this research study. For more information about this, please email a study coordinator at Principal Investigator: Stewart H. Mostofsky, M.D. Protocol Number: IRB00251063. Click here for additional information.

Be part of Brain Research! (ages 6-12 & 18-40)
Dr. Stewart H. Mostofsky of Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is recruiting children without Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to participate in a research study to learn about ASD. We are looking for participants without ASD to participate as “comparison subjects.” This study involves two days of testing, which includes an achievement and motor assessment, a dance imitation task, and a cognitive assessment. There are minimal risks and no direct benefits for participating in this research study. Participants will receive $50 per day of testing. For more information about this study, please contact a study coordinator at Principal Investigator: Stewart H. Mostofsky, M.D. Protocol Number: IRB00269589. Click here for additional information.

Be part of Brain Research! (ages 6-12)
Dr. Keri Rosch of Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is recruiting children to participant in an MRI research study to investigate the effects of a reading training intervention with children without reading difficulties. We are looking for participants without reading difficulties to participate as “comparison subjects.” This study involves two virtual visits and two in-person visits consisting of paper and pencil tests, questionnaires and a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan of the brain. The reading training program is completed at home using a computer through the internet and will last for 8 weeks. Participants will be able to earn up to $150 for completing the study and a picture of their brain. For more information about this study, please contact the Principal Investigator: Keri Rosch, Ph.D. Co-Principal Investigator: Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, Ph.D. Protocol Number: IRB00207805. Click here for additional information.

The impact of hypothalamic gliosis on appetite regulation and obesity risk in children (Brain Effects on Appetite & Metabolism – BEAM)
We are conducting a study of the brain and appetite in children (9-11 y old). The study involves MRI scans, 1 blood draw, 2 urine collections, body composition measurements (height, weight, waist, body composition and energy expenditure), questionnaires, buffet meals, games, and prizes. There will be 5 total study visits spread over a span of 24 months. Compensation is up to $345 plus parking costs. If interested, please call 410-955-5099 or email PI: Susan Carnell, PhD (IRB #: NA_00210835). Download flyer

Adolescent Reward Study (ages 13-18)
Adolescent Subjects Needed! Study of Reward-related Behavior. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University are seeking adolescents, ages 13-18, to participate in a new study. Participants perform cognitive tests/games and answer questions about their life, emotions, behaviors, and stressful events. The study involves no medications, no blood draws etc. Qualified people will be compensated at no cost to them. Participants under the age of 18 years will only be enrolled with consent provided by a parent or guardian. You may be eligible if you are 13-18 years old. The study involves one two-to-three hour session. You will be paid $30 for your participation. If you are interested in participating or would like further information please email: All emails/calls are confidential. Study #: IRB00093540, PI: Christopher Hammond, M.D.

Adolescent Brain Imaging (MRI) Study (ages 13-18)
Adolescent Subjects Needed! Brain Imaging (MRI) Study Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University are seeking adolescents, ages 13-18, to participate in a new study that uses a brain imaging technique called magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, and involves cognitive tests/games and answering questions about your life, behaviors, and stressful events. The study involves no medications, no blood draws etc. Qualified people will be compensated and participate at no cost to them. Participants under the age of 18 years will only be enrolled with the consent provided by a parent or guardian. You may be eligible if you are 13-18 years old and have no medical contraindications to completing an MRI scan. The study involves one three hour session, part of which will include the MRI scan. You will be paid $50 for your participation. If you are interested in participating or would like further information please email: All emails/calls are confidential. Study #: IRB00093540, PI: Christopher Hammond, M.D.

Emotional Attention and Memory in Healthy Children (ages 7-17 and parent)
We are searching for healthy, typically developing children ages 7 to 17 and their parents to take part in a research study at the Kennedy Kreiger Institute/Johns Hopkins Hospital. Participation involves a psychological evaluation with the parent and child, a brief measurement of the child's IQ, and a computer test to see how children react to different faces and words. The study requires one two and half hour visit. There are no direct benefits to the child for participating in this study. There are no significant medical risks associated with the study. Roma Vasa, M.D. is the principal investigator. Call 443-923-2643. (IRB Protocol # NA_00004616) 

Notice to Researchers: If you are faculty in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and you wish to post a recruitment ad on this page, please contact Benedicta Kim at You will need to send the IRB-approved recruitment language in paragraph form with a title of the study, the PI, contact information and the IRB Protocol Number. You are responsible for IRB approval of the ad. Please be sure to contact us to remove the ad from this page when recruitment is complete. Thank you.