Orthopedic Rehabilitation Therapy
Our physical and occupational therapists specializing in orthopedics can be found in all of our Maryland locations, including Odenton, Lutherville, White Marsh and Baltimore. They work closely with our rehabilitation physicians and orthopedists to help people with a variety of orthopedic issues, including sports injuries, foot and ankle injuries, neck and back pain and many others.
Schedule An Appointment
Schedule by phone
Johns Hopkins Bayview: 410-550-0414
Sibley Memorial Hospital: 202-364-7665
Schedule online through MyChart
Our Therapists
Jeffrey Adams | Physical Therapist
Location: Columbia
Julie Bage | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, scoliosis, performing arts
Location: Lutherville
Serap Bastepe-Gray | Occupational Therapist
Locations: Baltimore and Peabody
Makenzie Belak | Physical Therapist
Expertise: amputee and prosthetics training, orthopedics, pelvic health
Location: Baltimore
Susan Berger | Physical Therapist
Location: Columbia
Sofie Besser | Physical Therapist
Locations: Lutherville
Kelly Bird | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics
Location: Baltimore
Jordan Bradford | Occupational Therapist
Location: Lutherville
Nicole Clark | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, running analysis, sports rehabilitation
Location: Lutherville
Kathleen Criss | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, sports rehabilitation, performing arts
Location: Lutherville
Ryan Cummings | Physical Therapist, Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Residency Program Director
Expertise: orthopedics, sports rehabilitation
Location: Lutherville
Allison Dale | Physical Therapist, Team Coordinator
Expertise: orthopedics, scoliosis, vestibular rehabilitation
Location: Timonium
Kim Delich | Physical Therapist (She/her/hers)
Location: Lutherville
Monique Deluca | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, performing arts
Location: Columbia
Kimberly Esposito | Physical Therapist, Clinical Specialist
Expertise: geriatrics, falls/balance, neurologic rehabilitation
Location: Baltimore
Marissa Feinsilver | Physical Therapist
Location: Baltimore
Princess Filippi | Occupational Therapist, Clinical Specialist
Expertise: amputee and prosthetics training, hand therapy, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthotic fabrication
Location: Baltimore
Julie Finocchiaro | Physical Therapist, Clinical Specialist
Expertise: orthopedics - neck and spine, breast cancer
Location: Odenton
Marylena Fishkin | Physical Therapist Assistant
Location: Baltimore
Molly Flannery | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, pelvic health
Location: White Marsh
Keelin Godsey | Physical Therapist, Clinical Specialist
Expertise: amputee and prosthetics training, orthopedics, sports rehabilitation
Location: Lutherville
Spencer Gonzaga | Physical Therapist
Expertise: cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, falls/balance, neurologic rehabilitation, orthopedics, total joint rehabilitation
Location: Baltimore
Rob Grader | Physical Therapist Assistant
Location: Columbia
Amanda Greene (She/Her/Hers) | Physical Therapist, Clinical Specialist
Expertise: breast cancer, orthopedics, performing arts - dancer/musician
Location: Lutherville
Samantha Griffin | Physical Therapist
Certifications: Certified Functional Manual Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics
Location: Baltimore
Miriam Higgins | Physical Therapist, Clinical Specialist
Expertise: headache, neurologic rehabilitation, orthopedics
Location: Baltimore
Jimmy Hoyt | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, orthopedics - neck and spine, sports rehabilitation
Location: Columbia
Jonny Huang | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, orthopedics - neck and spine, sports rehabilitation, total joint rehabilitation
Location: Baltimore
Chioma Ichoku | Physical Therapist
Location: Columbia
Ken Johnson | Physical Therapist, Director of Rehabilitation Therapy Services Outreach
Location: Lutherville
Cameron Kapec | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, running analysis, sports rehabilitation
Location: White Marsh
Kyla Keefe | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, sports rehabilitation
Location: Lutherville
Christine Kloss | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, orthopedics - lower extremity, sports rehabilitation, total joint rehabilitation
Location: Odenton
Michael Kolosvary | Physical Therapist
Location: White Marsh
Phyllis Kramer | Occupational Therapist
Expertise: hand therapy, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthotic fabrication
Location: Odenton
Elizabethann Krutz | Occupational Therapist
Expertise: hand therapy, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthosis fabrication
Location: Columbia and Odenton
Andrew Kunin | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, performing arts - musician, sports rehabilitation
Location: Columbia
Dawn Kutcher | Occupational Therapist
Expertise: breast cancer, hand therapy, lymphedema, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthotic fabrication
Location: White Marsh
Adam Laplant | Physical Therapist
Location: Columbia
Andrea Lasner | Physical Therapist, Clinical Resource Analyst, Performing Arts Physical Therapy Fellowship Director
Expertise: orthopedics, performing arts - dancer/figure skater/musician
Locations: Lutherville and Peabody
Kevin Levi-Goerlich | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, running analysis, sports rehabilitation
Location: Columbia
Xiaoyun (Sherry) Ling | Physical Therapist
Location: Baltimore
Amy Lowe | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, vestibular rehabilitation, aquatic therapy
Location: Timonium
Tristan Lucy-Speidel | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics
Location: Timonium
Ed Lyons | Physical Therapist
Location: Baltimore
Eric Mahabir | Physical Therapist, Clinical Specialist
Expertise: orthopedics
Location: Lutherville
Lisa Marcoon | Occupational Therapist
Expertise: hand therapy, orthopedics - upper extremity
Location: Baltimore
Natalie Martin | Physical Therapist
Location: Lutherville
Sofie Massa (She/Her/Hers) | Physical Therapist
Location: Lutherville
Nate McClain | Physical Therapist, Sports Physical Therapy Residency Program Director
Expertise: orthopedics, sports rehabilitation
Location: White Marsh
Kevin McLaughlin | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, sports rehabilitation
Location: Lutherville
Amanda McQueen | Physical Therapist, Rehab Therapy Manager
Expertise: breast cancer, lymphedema, oncology deconditioning, orthopedics
Locations: Columbia and Odenton
David Mueller | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, performing arts - dancer/figure skater/musician
Locations: Timonium and Peabody
Kelly Mueller | Physical Therapist
Location: Columbia
Brian Murray | Physical Therapist, Rehab Therapy Manager
Expertise: orthopedics
Location: Baltimore
Diana Naylor Lupus | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, running analysis
Location: Baltimore
Jennifer Nicholas | Occupational Therapist, Rehab Therapy Manager
Expertise: breast cancer, hand therapy, lymphedema, oncology, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthotic fabrication
Location: Lutherville
Kinross Obiefule | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, sports rehabilitation
Location: Timonium
Erika Opoku | Physical Therapist
Location: Baltimore
Kaitlin O'Sullivan | Occupational Therapist, Team Coordinator
Expertise: hand therapy, neurologic rehabilitation, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthotic fabrication
Location: Baltimore
Stacie Page | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics - upper/lower extremity, running analysis, sports rehabilitation, total joint rehabilitation
Location: White Marsh
Adrienne Papparotto | Physical Therapist, Team Coordinator
Location: White Marsh
Alex Parra | Physical Therapist
Expertise: congenital limb deficits, developmental delay, pediatric connective tissue disorders, pediatric dance injuries, toe walking, torticollis and plagiocephaly
Location: Lutherville
Rachel Pigott (She/Her/Hers) | Occupational Therapist, Hand Therapy Fellowship Coordinator
Expertise: breast cancer, hand therapy, lymphedema, oncology, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthosis fabrication
Location: Lutherville and White Marsh
Autumn Puryear | Occupational Therapist
Location: Lutherville
Francesca Raponi | Physical Therapist
Location: Baltimore
Joseph Reagan | Occupational Therapist
Expertise: hand therapy, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthotic fabrication
Location: Timonium
Susan Ricard | Physical Therapist Assistant
Expertise: orthopedics, neurologic rehabilitation
Location: Lutherville
Leigh Roberts | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, performing arts
Locations: Odenton and Peabody
Marie-Adelaide Robinson (She/Her/Hers) | Physical Therapist
Location: Lutherville
Elise Rochford | Occupational Therapist
Location: Columbia
Krystal Rosario-Perez | Physical Therapist
Location: Odenton
Megan Shawl | Physical Therapist, Team Coordinator
Expertise: amputee and prosthetics training, orthopedics, orthotic fabrication, running analysis
Location: Lutherville
Mark Shepherd | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, orthopedics - neck and spine
Location: Odenton
John Shipley | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, running analysis, sports rehabilitation
Location: Columbia
Lauren Simon | Physical Therapist, Rehab Therapy Manager
Locations: Timonium and White Marsh
Anne Spar | Physical Therapist, Clinical Specialist
Expertise: falls/balance, neurologic rehabilitation, vestibular rehabilitation
Location: Columbia
Christina Steele | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, sports rehabilitation
Location: Odenton
Jillian Stinson | Physical Therapist, Team Coordinator
Expertise: orthopedics, running analysis, sports rehabilitation
Location: Odenton
Ryerson Stinson | Occupational Therapist
Expertise: hand therapy, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthotic fabrication, sports rehabilitation
Location: Columbia
Tim Strauch | Physical Therapist Assistant
Location: Baltimore
Lora Stutzman | Physical Therapist
Location: Odenton
Nicole Tannahill | Physical Therapist
Expertise: lymphedema, oncology, orthopedics, total joint rehabilitation
Location: Odenton
Hannah Vaca | Physical Therapist
Location: White Marsh
Danaan Villena | Physical Therapist
Location: White Marsh
Matt Weber | Physical Therapist
Expertise: orthopedics, sports rehabilitation
Location: Timonium
Heather Weesner | Occupational Therapist
Expertise: hand therapy, orthopedics - upper extremity, orthosis fabrication
Location: Columbia
Mary Williams | Physical Therapist
Location: White Marsh
Samantha Witte | Occupational Therapist
Location: White Marsh