
Stay up to date with the latest initiatives impacting nursing inquiry - evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and research. 

The Research and Non-Research Evidence Appraisal Tools: What you need to know to navigate the article appraisal waters.

December 6, 2023

The article appraisal step is one of the largest, and sometimes most daunting parts of the EBP process.  Appendices E and F contain a series of questions to help you determine the type as well as the quality of the evidence.  Essentially, the tools use “yes” or “no” questions to narrow down the type of article you have.  Once you’ve figure that out, the guide helps you think through not only how well the project was completed, but also how well the authors have reported what they did and what they found. You can think of it as a rubric or score card to come up with an overall grade (A, B or C).

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Take a Cheat Day, Every Day: Quick Tips and Hints for Using Appendix D!

November 9, 2023

The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based (JHNEBP) model is a systematic process to address clinical questions to help you complete all the steps, the authors of the guidelines provide tools in the form of 10 appendices which are assigned letters A-J.  All of these steps can get confusing, especially when you start to dive into the evidence.  Follow along as Maddie Whalen, MSN/MPH, RN Evidence-Based Coordinator for the Center for Nursing Inquiry, outlines Appendix D. This tool makes keeping all your ducks in a row is so much easier — it is essentially a cheat sheet to the entire JHNEBP article appraisal process.

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I Have a Hypothesis!

October 10, 2023

One exciting aspect of research is we create hypotheses we believe will be right, but sometimes we are wrong. Science! We often base our predictions on previous studies, anecdotal evidence, or both. When there is no or very little evidence to base a hypothesis on, researchers make educated guesses based on experiences. Follow along as Dr. Heather Watson, PhD, RN, Nurse Scientist for the Johns Hopkins Health System explains how to write a hypothesis.

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There Are No Dumb Questions!

September 19, 2023

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do we do it this way?” or “Would it work better if we did this instead?” Whether you are asking about patient care or professional development, all research starts with a good question. Asking the right question requires some thought, and there are a few steps to help get you on the right track. Follow along as Dr. Heather Watson, PhD, RN, Nurse Scientist for the Johns Hopkins Health System, describes the components of a good research question.

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Who Has a Stake in the Game?

August 29, 2023

The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based (JHNEBP) model is a systematic process to address clinical questions with the best available scientific evidence, combined with the expertise of patients and providers. To help you complete all the steps, the authors provide tools in the form of 10 appendices assigned letters A-J. The August article covers Appendix C, the Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Tool. Follow along as Maddie Whalen, Evidence-Based Practice Coordinator for the CNI, provides an overview of this tool.

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Two Types of Statistics

July 18, 2023

If you feel lost when you hear the word ‘statistics,’ this month’s article is for you! Elizabeth Scala, MSN, MBA, RN, HNB BC, defines two large categories that statistics can fall into (descriptive and inferential), and more important, provides an example of how each type can be used in a research study. Follow along for a brief introduction to statistics! 

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Why is Quality Improvement Important?

June 13, 2023

Holley Farley, M.S.N., R.N., is excited by quality improvement! In this month’s article, Holley defines quality improvement (QI), explains QI in healthcare and covers why it is important. Follow along – Holley’s article will get everyone excited about quality improvement! 

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