Therapeutic Core

Core Mission

The Johns Hopkins CAHN Therapeutic Core is staffed with members of Johns Hopkins Drug Discovery, seasoned experts in the field of drug discovery research with significant experience in the pharmaceutical sector. Our core was designed to complement the strength of academic research by bridging a gap between basic science and therapeutic application.

Unique Value of the Core

One of the major challenges encountered by academic institutions aiming to develop new therapeutics has been the lack of a truly dedicated drug discovery unit with expertise in a range of disciplines required for therapeutics development. To the best of our knowledge, a dedicated and experienced drug discovery unit is not integrated into any NeuroHIV center, making our core innovative and uniquely positions to drive new therapeutic development.

Core Resources

  • Assay Development and Screening
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Drug Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics
  • Animal Pharmacology/Toxicology

Associated Courses


Core Leader

Barbara Slusher, PhD

  • Director, Johns Hopkins Drug Discovery
  • Professor of Neurology

Core Co-Leaders

  • Takashi Tsukamoto, PhD

    • Director, Medicinal Chemistry, Johns Hopkins Drug Discovery Program
    • Professor of Neurology
  • Rana Rais, PhD

    • Director, Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Johns Hopkins Drug Discovery
    • Associate Professor of Neurology

Neurotherapeutics Course 2020 - Dr. Barbara Slusher

Dr. Barbara Slusher discusses the evolving role of drug discovery in academia. To illustrate, Dr. Slusher traces an example prodrug across the drug development process — from bench to bedside.