One Goal, One Passion: Therapeutic Development for NeuroHIV

The interdisciplinary research team at the Johns Hopkins Center for the Advancement of HIV Neurotherapeutics (JH CAHN) is dedicated to studying such conditions as HIV-associated central nervous system (CNS) disorders. We aim to translate discoveries of the pathophysiological mechanisms of these conditions into novel therapeutics, as well as provide educational and clinical resources to other HIV researchers across Johns Hopkins Medicine institutions and beyond.

Joint NIMH Center Seminar Series (2024 - 2025)

Join us on Wednesdays at 12 p.m. Eastern via Zoom for a lecture series presented by the JH CAHN administrative core and other participating institutions.

Our Cores

Our center has five collaborative cores, each dedicated to a particular aspect of HIV-associated central nervous system (CNS) complications in people living with HIV. Together, these cores allow us to address the vast needs of this community and advance therapeutic discoveries.

JH CAHN 2025 Symposium: Modern Translational Approaches to NeuroHIV

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM ET
Johns Hopkins University Owens Auditorium or virtually via Zoom

JH CAHN presents a one-day symposium where each core will share the latest research by guest speakers and pilot grant awardees. Invited speakers include:

  • Avindra Nath, M.D., NINDS | Biotyping people with HIV based on viral and immune pathogenesis
  • Sean Ekins, Ph.D., Collaborations Pharmaceuticals | AI / Machine Learning in Neuro HIV drug discovery
  • Tricia Burdo, Ph.D., Rutgers | Biomarkers in NeuroHIV: Insights into immune activation and brain health

View agenda (PDF).

Funding Disclosure

The Johns Hopkins Center for the Advancement of HIV Neurotherapeutics (JH CAHN) is funded by a P30 Grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (P30MH075673). The content and research presented on this website is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the views of the National Institutes of Health.