Physician Scientist Training

Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)

The Johns Hopkins Medical Scientist Training Program seeks to train approximately 12 M.D.-Ph.D. students for positions of leadership in academic medicine and medical research. Students generally take two years of preclinical science courses in medical school and then enroll in one of 30 available graduate programs for approximately four years. During this time, students take advanced courses and complete thesis research, publishing an average of 6.1 peer-reviewed papers, before returning to the final required clinical clerkships and electives in medical school. MSTP is an NIH-funded T32 program led by Andrea Cox, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and Oncology. Approximately 15% of MSTP students train in with a mentor who is an SKCCC Member. More details related to the Johns Hopkins MSTP Program may be found here:

Physician Scientist Training Program (PSTP)

The Johns Hopkins Physician Scientist Training Program inspires and enables residents and clinical fellows to pursue research training in combination with their clinical training. The PSTP provides interactions across the continuum of MSTP students as well as junior faculty and supports discussions around funding opportunities, mentoring and career opportunities. Interested SKCCC trainees are encouraged to apply to this program. More information about PSTP Training at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine may be found here: /som/gme/pstp

The Macmillan Pathway to Independence Program (MPIP)

The MacMillan Pathway to Independence Program supports medical and pediatric oncology physicians in additional years of training towards competitive wet and dry bench careers. Each year, SKCCC supports several MacMillan Scholars and applications include an abbreviated NIH-style career development application. MacMillan Scholars present their work in a plenary session at the Annual SKCCC Trainee Research Day. Applications are solicited in January each year. For more questions about MPIP, please contact Ms. Jamila Barger.