Contact Us

Main Number to the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center
Current Patients
To speak to an oncology nurse during normal business hours (Monday - Friday, 8 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.) for advice about side effects of your treatment, symptoms, questions about your medications or treatment plan, etc., call:
(410) 955-8893 - for medical oncology patients
(410) 955-6980 - for radiation oncology patients
After business hours, weekends and holidays call the Johns Hopkins paging operator:
(410) 955-4331 (Johns Hopkins paging operator will contact the on-call oncology team)
Medical Oncology
(410) 955-8964Radiation Oncology
(410) 955-8964 -
Medical Oncology Outpatient Clinic
(410) 614-0040Radiation Oncology Outpatient Clinic
(410) 955-6980Medical Oncology at Greenspring Station
(410) 583-2970Radiation Oncology at Greenspring Station
(410) 847-3800 -
Kimmel Cancer Center Administrative Offices
(410) 955-8822 (Suggestions, questions and concerns from patients and caregivers)Billing Customer Service
(855) 662-3017Counseling Services
(410) 955-8934Chaplain's Office - Weinberg Building
(410) 502-1500Foreign and Sign Language Interpretation
(410) 614-4685, para español 1-844-765-9930Harry J. Duffey Patient and Family Services
(410) 955-8934Hopkins Home Care/Medical Equipment Coordinator
(410) 288-8000Hopkins USA (travel, appointment assistance for non-Maryland residents)
(410) 464-6555Housing Referral Service
(410) 614-6527Image Recovery Center
(410) 502-5623International Patient Services
(410) 955-8032Johns Hopkins General Information
(410) 955-5000Lost And Found
(410) 955-5588Medical Records
(410) 614-6069Pain and Palliative Care Program
(410) 955-8305Parking
(410) 955-5333Patient Relations
(410) 955-2273Pharmacy
(410) 955-5747Security
410-955-5585Security Escort Service
(410) 955-5585Social Work - Kimmel Cancer Center
(410) 955-8934Transportation Coordinator
(410) 955-6549Volunteer Services
(410) 502-1591
Mailing Address
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Building
401 N. Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21287
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in giving to others through your time and energy as a volunteer in the Cancer Center, please call 410-955-5924 for information on volunteer opportunities.
News Media
For assistance in arranging interviews with experts at the Kimmel Cancer Center, please contact the Office of Public Affairs at 410-955-1287.
Questions about this Web Site?
For questions about specific issues related to technical components of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Center web site, contact the webmaster at (Note: we cannot provide medical advice via e-mail.)