Images and Reports for Providers

radiologist reading images

The eRadiology Center offers physicians an array of services to assist with imaging needs. Our dedicated staff are here to serve you Monday through Friday, 24 hours as well as Saturday through Sunday, 12am – 7:30am & 6:30pm – 11:59pm. Please see our list of frequently asked questions or contact us if you need further assistance.

Johns Hopkins Providers

Our staff members at the eRadiology Center have extensive knowledge and experience in timely processing of images and reports to serve the Johns Hopkins medical community.

For second opinion services, our team uses image-sharing software, giving physicians the ability to upload studies electronically and eliminating the need to drop off the images on CD at the eRadiology Center.

Second Opinion

Requests can be made to store outside studies in the Johns Hopkins Image Archive with or without an interpretation by a Johns Hopkins radiologist. The interpretation service should be reserved for challenging cases or new patients with outside imaging. We do not interpret studies that are older than 12 months.

Providers Outside Johns Hopkins

A Johns Hopkins radiologist will interpret the images and write a detailed report within 24 hours of the exam. Results will be sent directly to your office. If you have any questions for the eRadiology Center, please call 443-287-7378.

You can also find reports and images for your patients through iConnect.

For iConnect technical support, please call 410-502-2667.

Contact the eRadiology Center

Phone: 443-287-7378
Fax: 443-769-1210

Nelson Basement
Available 24/7

Provider FAQs