For Researchers
Online Training Course
Visit the compliance training website.
HIPAA and Research Course
Ensure HIPAA compliance using interactive training.
Grant Resources
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's database that provides access to over 17 million biomedical citations and offers links to many online publications and related articles. Learn how to customize your searching experience using Display Settings and MyNCBI. Learn about using Citation Matcher to locate incomplete citations and how the Search Details, Advanced Search, Search History and Send to features can assist you in creating searches and managing results. Learn to build expert search strategies with the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Database, save search strategies and set up alerts via MyNCBI, and how to access Welch electronic journal holdings or request articles through FIND IT @ JH.
Refworks is a free (to the Hopkins community) Web-based program you can use to organize your research. Learn how to enter citations as you work, import references retrieved from Pubmed into your Refworks library and create bibliographies in a variety of formats using the Refworks add-on WriteNcite.
The Welch Library’s Informationists are assigned to academic departments, divisions and users groups across the East Baltimore campus to assist you with all your information needs. They have created a list of guides on a variety of topics that provide useful resources, and teach classes on searching, citation management, navigating the scholarly landscape, and so much more! In case you can’t attend a class, the Welch Library’s YouTube channel has just-in-time learning tutorials and recordings of our instructional sessions. Finally, visit the Welch Library web site to find expertise and information resources for your research, clinical practice and education needs!
Follow this link to find internal funding opportunities that have been submitted from centers and institutes across Johns Hopkins University.
The goals of the ECR Program are to:
- Train and educate qualified scientists without prior CSR review experience so that they may develop into critical and well trained reviewers
- Help emerging researchers advance their careers by exposing them to a peer review experience that may make them more competitive as applicants
- Enrich the existing pool of NIH reviewers by including scientists from less research-intensive institutions as well as those from traditionally research-intensive institutions
Read more about the program, benefits, qualifications, application, and much more on the ECR program website.
Data & Stats Resources
The Biostatistical Resources Core will provide all scholars with 5 hours of consultation time. Scholars may apply for an additional 25 hours of consultation services based on approval of the leadership of the programs and the Biostat Core advisors. Scholars can apply their research funds if additional consultation hours are needed. Consultants assist with a variety of research needs requiring biostatistics expertise, including research study design, design of data collection systems and instruments, data entry and validation, data management and quality assurance, statistical analysis and data interpretation, and professional and scientific report writing. The Biostatistical Resources Core KL2 faculty liaison, Dr. Nae-Yuh Wang, is also available to assist scholars and directing them to specialists.
The Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Center (JHBC) provides the latest in biostatistical and information science expertise to a wide range of clients in the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and beyond. They consult to health researchers at other academic health centers, pharmaceutical companies, medical research organizations, managed care organizations and government agencies.
- General consultations
- ICTR- Biostatistics Center for Clinical & Translational Research (BCTR)
- Free walk-in clinics
- Biostat Center Cores
- Data Informatics Services Core (DISC)
- Wilmer Biostatistics Core
The Biostatistics, Epidemiology And Data Management (BEAD) Core is housed within the Center for Child and Community Health Research (CCHR). The CCHR BEAD Core provides research support services that promote, strengthen and expand the research of Johns Hopkins University faculty so that we remain one of the top interdisciplinary research institutions, focused on improving the health and well-being of individuals, families and the communities they live in.
We support investigators at all levels of experience and can provide support across the research continuum: from conceptualization and study design, to IRB preparation, grant submissions, and manuscript development. The research support services include:
- epidemiologic study design and approach
- basic and complex statistical analyses
- power and sample size calculations
- statistical analytic plans
- database development and management services
- survey measurement and sampling
- budget coordination and planning
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems) expertise
- survey field staff coordination
- internal scientific reviews for early/new investigators
The research support services offered by the CCHR BEAD Core enable more competitive grant applications, transforms data into scholarly products, and streamlines complex data gathering.Team science is at the core of our approach.
The process:
- To engage BEAD service, contact CCHRBEAD@jhmi.edi
- Upon receipt of your email, we will schedule an initial one hour consultation
- During the consultation, we will assess your needs and, if required, develop a scope of work
- After agreeing on the scope of work and funding, we will complete the work
- A minimum of 1 month lead time is required
JHU Data Management Services (JHUDMS)
Information Preparation Assistance
Assistance in organizing and preparing the essential information needed for a data management/sharing plan (DMP). The JHUDMS tracks DMP requirements across funding agencies and can help jumpstart the DMP writing process as well as help you consider data sharing and archiving solutions for the proposed research (for example, reviewing repository options and funder requirements for deposit).
Data Management Consultation
Consultative support and training for the best practices of data management for you and your graduate students. This includes reviewing and mitigating potential areas of data management risk and establishing practices to help support eventual data sharing, whether it be for your future use or use by the wider research community. Subjects covered include de-identification of human subjects, preparing metadata to aid future use and understanding of the data, managing storage and back up, etc.
Public Data Provision
Provision of a public data sharing and archiving solution here at JHU through the open repository, JHU Data Archive. This is an archiving option that includes assignment of permanent identifiers (i.e. DOIs) to data collections and organization and description of the data for public access and sharing.
Data Management Courses
Many funders require Data Management and/or Sharing Plans for grant proposals. Developing a competitive plan requires understanding and effectively addressing the many aspects of research data management and sharing that funders and reviewers emphasize (e.g., plans for research data security, sharing, and documentation). This training is divided into 8 modules, each addressing a particular subtopic (e.g., documentation). You can view the modules in whichever order you like, and you are not required to view any one module prior to another, although the Introduction module is a great place to start. View the course.
Researchers are increasingly encouraged or required to share their data, and it is particularly challenging to prepare datasets for secure sharing with confidential identifiers of people and organizations . Join JHU Data Services for an overview of the types of identifiers, and how to determine if your data have disclosure risk. You will also learn about available JHU resources to help you with de-identifying data. View the course.
Science of Clinical Investigation Program
Translational clinical research requires a team that can design, analyze and interpret clinical investigations and implement studies in compliance with ethical and regulatory norms. This five-course certificate series is designed to prepare clinicians and scientists to participate in multidisciplinary clinical research teams. For additional information or to register, contact the GTPCI office.
Courses Include
- Database Design and Implementation In Clinical Research (Summer term)
- Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Clinical Research (1st term)
- Design of Clinical Studies (2nd term)
- Quantitative Analysis of Clinical Data (3rd term)
- Outcomes and Effectiveness Research (4th term)
Scientists, clinicians, and support personnel fully engaged in clinical investigation or its regulation.
All courses (except Database Design) meet 5:30-8:30 PM one night a week for eight consecutive weeks during the academic year. Lectures, case studies and small group discussions with experienced faculty are used to present and clarify the subject matter. Peer critiques of student projects are used throughout the sequence. Students are evaluated by homework assignments, take-home exams and/or a final project. A certificate of achievement is earned for satisfactorily completing four or more courses.
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
615 N. Wolfe
Street, Baltimore, Maryland.
Basic Presentation Skills
If you are interested in developing your presentation skills, please explore e-course offerings available through myLearning.
Resources for Finding Funding
Office of Research Administration
- Sources for Funding
- Michael Amey, Associate Dean for Research Administration
- Karen Falter, Administrative Manager, Research Administration
- Mike Alexander, Security Compliance Officer
Other Opportunities
- JHU Internal Funding Opportunities
- US Government's Federal Grants Listing
- Professional Development and Career Office's Funding Information
Special Funding Opportunity: Center for AIDS Research
The Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research provides pilot grants to faculty in the Schools of Public Health, Medicine, and Nursing to enable and support HIV/AIDS research projects. Junior faculty at other JHU schools are eligible to apply if the proposal meets all other criteria. The prime purpose of these awards is to strengthen the individual’s ability to secure independent funding. We plan to award up to ten $50,000 grants per year, depending upon the number of fundable applications and availability of funds. The CFAR Scholar Grants were previously named the Faculty Development Awards.
This is a four-part training program. It is highly recommended (but not required) to register for the following sessions, as each sessions builds upon the previous session:
Presenters: Drs. Richard Edden, Kimberly Skarupski, Dave Yousem
Presenter: Rachel Box
- Recorded Session (11/9/2021)
- PowerPoint Slides
- myLearning course
Resources and Services
Beware! Scholarly Open Access: Potential, possible, or probable predatory journals
Please use this checklist from "Think Check Submit" to make informed decisions regarding questionable, open access standalone journals. Welch Library has a guide for more information on deciding where to publish.
Editing Referral Service (ERS) Johns Hopkins
Access Experienced Editors
This referral service is designed to assist members of the Johns Hopkins biomedical community in finding a qualified freelance scientific editor who can provide editorial assistance with their academic writing projects. The editors listed here have considerable experience in the academic medical community and have undergone a screening process to evaluate their editing expertise and their ability to provide timely and reliable service.

Editing Services
All of these editors offer substantive editing: After critically reading a document, they can make constructive suggestions to improve its logical organization and clarity. Taking into account the document's intended audience, they also suggest revisions to increase the readability of the text and to ensure that the grammar and word choice conform to standard written English. Their goal is to help their clients produce documents that are well-organized, accurate, clear, and concise.

Payment Method
These freelance professionals offer their editorial assistance on a fee-for-service basis, and all arrangements for obtaining their services are to be made directly between the Hopkins author and the chosen editor. Authors are to negotiate directly with their editors regarding the scheduling and scope of the proposed work and the terms and payment for the editing services provided. Payment by the author is to be made directly to the editor. The editors receive no financial compensation from Johns Hopkins for the editing provided through this referral service.

Editor Profiles
Graduate Education: Ph.D., Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Undergraduate Education: BS, Chemistry
Preferred Subject Area: Basic & clinical sciences
E-mail: or
Graduate Education: Ph.D., Parasitology
Undergraduate Education: B.Sc., Biology
Preferred Subject Area: Basic sciences & manuscripts from non-native English speakers
More Details: OnProcess -
Graduate Education: M.A., Counseling
Undergraduate Education: B.A., English
Preferred Subject Area: Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading in several medical and public health specialties
More Information: Web Page and Editor Page -
Education: Linguistics (English, Korean, Latin, Greek, French)
Preferred Subject Area: Research proposals, clinical sciences, public health -
Education: M.B., B. Chir (Univ. of Cambridge, British equivalent of M.D.), M.A., Natural Sciences
Preferred Subject Area: Preventive cardiology, cardiovascular epidemiology; design, conduct, and analysis of randomized controlled trials
More Information: Editor Profile -
Graduate Education: Ph.D., Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Undergraduate Education: B.S., Biology
Preferred Subject Area: Basic, translational, & clinical sciences
More Information: Editor Profile
MedEdPORTAL Publications is a free publication service provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges promoting educational scholarship and collaboration by facilitating the open exchange of peer-reviewed health education teaching and assessment resources.
WAGs (Writing Accountability Groups)
A WAG is an active writing group that meets once a week over a 10-week block and follows a strict agenda of 15 minutes of updates and goal-setting followed by 30 minutes of individual writing, and then 15 minutes of reporting and wrap-up (there is no peer review of your writing – the WAG is focused on developing a process and habit of writing). A WAG is limited to 4–8 members and you MUST commit to attending at least 7 of the 10 weekly sessions. I guarantee that if you adhere to the plan, you will achieve increased writing productivity (quantity and quality), have greater control over the writing process, experience improved goal-setting and time management, and as a bonus, you'll establish relationships with new colleagues and friends.
Please read the FAQs to learn more about how you can start a WAG in your department/division.
Welch Medical Library's Informationist Program
- Consult on literature searching (research, clinical practice, or evidence-based medicine)
- Get help with:
- Systematic review searching
- Data searching (statistics)
- Background literature searches for grant proposals, papers, or reviews
- NIH Public Access Policy
- Learn to more easily format references for papers and grants using RefWorks or EndNote.
- Learn which product best meets your needs
- Request topic-specific journals, books, and other resources
- Hone your skills in searching for the literature using databases such as PubMed, Embase, SCOPUS,Web of Science, and PsycINFO
- Receive updates on your favorite electronic resources
- Learn searching tips and tricks
- Access full text articles from home (remote access) or office
- Search the multi-library catalog
- Request documents through interlibrary loan (Weldoc)
- Create effective poster presentations
- Search for funding opportunities
- Provide background searching for grant applications
- Departmental faculty and staff meetings
- One-on-one or small group in person meetings with faculty, staff and students
- In collaboration with teaching faculty on information skills training
- Journal clubs
- Lecture series
- Library orientations
- Through creating a customized Welch Information Portal and/or Space to meet the needs of your institution
Blair Anton, MLIS, MS, AHIP
Associate Director for Information Services
Phone: 410-502-7571