For Researchers


Grant Resources

The courses listed below are offered by the Professional Development and Career Office (PDCO) and services offered through the Welch Medical Library.

Data & Stats Resources

JHU Data Management Services (JHUDMS)

The JHUDMS team can help point you to additional data management services and support at JHU. The JHUDMS team is always available to meet with you and can be reached at The team can help researchers in managing, sharing, and archiving their data by providing the following support services:

Information Preparation Assistance

Assistance in organizing and preparing the essential information needed for a data management/sharing plan (DMP). The JHUDMS tracks DMP requirements across funding agencies and can help jumpstart the DMP writing process as well as help you consider data sharing and archiving solutions for the proposed research (for example, reviewing repository options and funder requirements for deposit).

Data Management Consultation

Consultative support and training for the best practices of data management for you and your graduate students. This includes reviewing and mitigating potential areas of data management risk and establishing practices to help support eventual data sharing, whether it be for your future use or use by the wider research community. Subjects covered include de-identification of human subjects, preparing metadata to aid future use and understanding of the data, managing storage and back up, etc.

Public Data Provision

Provision of a public data sharing and archiving solution here at JHU through the open repository, JHU Data Archive. This is an archiving option that includes assignment of permanent identifiers (i.e. DOIs) to data collections and organization and description of the data for public access and sharing.

Data Management Courses

Science of Clinical Investigation Program

Translational clinical research requires a team that can design, analyze and interpret clinical investigations and implement studies in compliance with ethical and regulatory norms. This five-course certificate series is designed to prepare clinicians and scientists to participate in multidisciplinary clinical research teams. For additional information or to register, contact the GTPCI office.

Courses Include

  • Database Design and Implementation In Clinical Research (Summer term)
  • Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Clinical Research (1st term)
  • Design of Clinical Studies (2nd term)
  • Quantitative Analysis of Clinical Data (3rd term)
  • Outcomes and Effectiveness Research (4th term)


Basic Presentation Skills

If you are interested in developing your presentation skills, please explore e-course offerings available through myLearning

Resources for Finding Funding

Office of Research Administration

Other Opportunities

Special Funding Opportunity: Center for AIDS Research

The Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research provides pilot grants to faculty in the Schools of Public Health, Medicine, and Nursing to enable and support HIV/AIDS research projects. Junior faculty at other JHU schools are eligible to apply if the proposal meets all other criteria. The prime purpose of these awards is to strengthen the individual’s ability to secure independent funding. We plan to award up to ten $50,000 grants per year, depending upon the number of fundable applications and availability of funds. The CFAR Scholar Grants were previously named the Faculty Development Awards.



Resources and Services

Beware! Scholarly Open Access: Potential, possible, or probable predatory journals

Please use this checklist from "Think Check Submit" to make informed decisions regarding questionable, open access standalone journals. Welch Library has a guide for more information on deciding where to publish.

Editing Referral Service (ERS) Johns Hopkins

The Editing Referral Service is a directory of qualified editors who can provide editorial assistance on a fee-for-service basis to Hopkins researchers. This directory is for faculty, staff and students affiliated with Johns Hopkins University or the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.

Access Experienced Editors

This referral service is designed to assist members of the Johns Hopkins biomedical community in finding a qualified freelance scientific editor who can provide editorial assistance with their academic writing projects. The editors listed here have considerable experience in the academic medical community and have undergone a screening process to evaluate their editing expertise and their ability to provide timely and reliable service.

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Editing Services

All of these editors offer substantive editing: After critically reading a document, they can make constructive suggestions to improve its logical organization and clarity. Taking into account the document's intended audience, they also suggest revisions to increase the readability of the text and to ensure that the grammar and word choice conform to standard written English. Their goal is to help their clients produce documents that are well-organized, accurate, clear, and concise.

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Payment Method

These freelance professionals offer their editorial assistance on a fee-for-service basis, and all arrangements for obtaining their services are to be made directly between the Hopkins author and the chosen editor. Authors are to negotiate directly with their editors regarding the scheduling and scope of the proposed work and the terms and payment for the editing services provided. Payment by the author is to be made directly to the editor. The editors receive no financial compensation from Johns Hopkins for the editing provided through this referral service. 

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Editor Profiles

Browse editor profiles:


MedEdPORTAL Publications is a free publication service provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges promoting educational scholarship and collaboration by facilitating the open exchange of peer-reviewed health education teaching and assessment resources.

Access the Tool

WAGs (Writing Accountability Groups)

A WAG is an active writing group that meets once a week over a 10-week block and follows a strict agenda of 15 minutes of updates and goal-setting followed by 30 minutes of individual writing, and then 15 minutes of reporting and wrap-up (there is no peer review of your writing – the WAG is focused on developing a process and habit of writing). A WAG is limited to 4–8 members and you MUST commit to attending at least 7 of the 10 weekly sessions. I guarantee that if you adhere to the plan, you will achieve increased writing productivity (quantity and quality), have greater control over the writing process, experience improved goal-setting and time management, and as a bonus, you'll establish relationships with new colleagues and friends.

Please read the FAQs to learn more about how you can start a WAG in your department/division.

Read the FAQs

Welch Medical Library's Informationist Program

The Informationist Program at the Welch Medical Library serves the faculty, fellows, students, and staff of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions by sharing information about library collections and services and partnering with individuals and departments to support their research, clinical and teaching needs. Read the Library FAQs and browse informationist services below.