Clinical Training
At Johns Hopkins Bayview, you will confront high-acuity, complex cases in a fast-paced setting, supported by a world-class body of knowledge, dedicated to educating new generations of clinicians.
Using apprenticeship-style learning, the full residency experience falls into two categories: emergency medicine and off-service rotations.
Residency Experience Categories
Residents will spend approximately 51 weeks in the emergency department, 24 weeks on off- service rotations, and 3 weeks on vacation.
Emergency medicine: 51 weeks
As a resident, the majority of your learning will occur on-shift in the Emergency Department as you evaluate patients and discuss cases with your attendings.
- Emergency Department at JHBMC
- Pediatric ED at Johns Hopkins Hospital (8 weeks)
Current Off-service rotations: 24 weeks
- 6 weeks total: Medical Intensive Care Unit
- 4 weeks: Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
- 1-2 week Rotations:
- EM Ultrasound
- Anesthesia
- Elective(s)
- Neurology
- Ophthalmology (at Johns Hopkins Hospital)
- Orthopedics
- Radiology
- EMS (ride-alongs)
Vacation: 3 weeks
Residents can take up to 12 Adult ED shifts off through their residency. These shifts can be taken together, totaling 3 weeks, or be used separately through residency. Additionally, residents are given six days off during the winter holiday season.