Combined Emergency Medicine Anesthesiology Residency Program

Welcome to the Johns Hopkins Combined Emergency Medicine and Anesthesiology Residency Program. Here, you will find all the information you need to decide if our program, with its unique experiences and opportunities, is the right match for you.

Our Mission

The mission of the Johns Hopkins Combined Emergency Medicine and Anesthesiology Residency Program is to foster the clinical, humanistic and professional development of a distinctive graduate, able to amplify the strengths of both fields and positively impact change in the field of medicine through innovation and national leadership.

Program Complement

Two residents per year for a total of five years of training.

Our Aims

  • Recruit and retain top candidates from a diverse applicant pool.
  • With experienced faculty mentorship, inspire residents to develop and hone passion and expertise from within the two specialties of emergency medicine and anesthesiology.
  • Produce compassionate and engaged physicians who care and advocate for their patients and communities.
  • Train well-rounded clinicians with high emotional intelligence and versatility.
  • Create an environment that promotes wellness and resiliency.
  • Develop critical skills around lifelong learning.
  • Nurture future leaders in emergency medicine, anesthesiology and beyond.

Welcome from the Program Director

Thank you for your interest in our five-year combined program!

Our combined anesthesiology and emergency medicine training program, the first of its kind, offers an exclusive opportunity for trainees to obtain dual board certification in two highly complementary fields. Both disciplines offer high-yield training in procedural skills and critical care management. When merged together, they offer a trainee the ability to practice in any setting — from the emergency department to the operating room or intensive care unit. In addition, the ability to work seamlessly across departments encourages interprofessional education and collaboration, as well as multidisciplinary scholarly work. Our graduates represent an exceptional commodity as dual-board eligible physicians in academic or community practice environments and they bring a broad skillset to low-resource settings.

Both the American Board of Emergency Medicine and the American Board of Anesthesiology have approved our program, making it the first nationally approved program of its kind. Our curriculum encourages trainees to devote five years to longitudinal niche development in popular areas such as critical care, ultrasound, acute pain management, international or austere medicine, and medical education.

We look forward to meeting you!

Michael Ehmann, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Program Director, Emergency Medicine and Combined EM-Anesthesiology Residency


Episode 161: Dual Training in Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine

In this 161st episode, I welcome Drs. Regan and Lester to the show to discuss the country’s first combined Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine dual training program.

Program Structure

Contact Us

Have questions about our residency program? Let us know.

Christina Tarleton

Christina Tarleton, C-TAGME
Administrative Director for Education and Medical Training Program Manager

Johns Hopkins Department of Emergency Medicine
Residency Office
1830 E. Monument St.
Suite 6-100
Baltimore, MD 21287

Phone: 410-955-5107
Fax: 410-502-5146