Mission Statement
Our mission is to advance out-of-hospital and resuscitation care through clinical innovation, evidence-based practice, and education. Pursuant to this mission, the Center provides opportunity for clinical collaboration on best practice, educational topics in critical care transport, interactive prehospital courses, and the ability to further the science of resuscitation and out-of-hospital medicine.
The Upside Down Transport: Transporting the Proned Patient
A round table discussion about the transport of proned patients.
Transporting iNO Webinar
Learn from the experts at Johns Hopkins Lifeline as they share critical information on the safe and efficient transport of iNO patients.
Lifeline HFNC set up
This video demonstrates the set up of High Flow Nasal Cannula on the Hamilton T1 Ventilator.
Our Interests
Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO)

Ventilator Management

Aortic Dissection

High Consequence Infectious Disease Transport
