The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine Wilderness Medicine Course
The Wilderness Medicine course focuses on practical approaches to emergency situations, illness and injuries, as well as teaching the basic skills needed to head into the great outdoors. We use a combination of morning lectures and afternoon practical demonstrations and group scenarios/exercises. The course is held for 2 weeks each Spring in a beautiful outdoor setting in the Catoctin Mountain Park in western Maryland. No outdoor experience required.
Here is just a sampling of the topics we will cover:
- Emergency Response- Standard approach to emergency situations; ABCs for medical and injuries; Scene safety and security.
- Environmental Medicine- High-altitude medicine; Heat and cold illness; Bites and envenomations.
- Trauma and Injuries- Injury evaluation and care; Orthopedic stabilization; Ocular trauma; Penetrating wounds; Head trauma.
- Infectious Disease- Immunizations for exotic travel; diarrheal diseases and other travel illnesses; Water and sanitation.
- Wilderness Travel- Outdoor gear selection; Map reading and GPS introduction; Planning and packing for group/individual travel; Field nutrition; Basic rescue techniques.
Resident are eligible to both take and to help teach the course (or just lay there as a moulaged victim if they prefer).
Course Directors:
Thomas Kirsch, MD, MPH, FACEP
Director of Operations
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine
Michael Millin, MD
National Medical Director, National Ski Patrol
Department of Emergency Medicine
Emilie Calvello, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine Residency Program
Photos from a Recent Wilderness Medicine Course

The Johns Hopkins Department of Emergency Medicine Residency Program
1830 E. Monument Street, Suite 6-100
Baltimore, MD 21287 · 410-955-5107