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Charitable Giving

Johns Hopkins Community Physicians (JHCP), a valued member of Johns Hopkins Medicine, is dedicated to meeting the needs of each community and patient we serve while advancing the field of primary care medicine through our commitment to excellence and innovation.

To achieve this mission, JHCP benefits from the philanthropic support of individuals. Philanthropic gifts may be used to provide help with the development of innovative models of patient care, funding for primary care research, assist in building and sustaining educational programs for the next generation of primary care providers, and support the innovative use of technology. Please see below for more information about a few of our ongoing initiatives to advance primary care and support the communities we serve.

  • Educational Programs: Each year, JHCP hosts more than 100 trainees, including medical and nursing students, residents, and fellows, from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. These trainees work with faculty who are mostly volunteers. Our faculty and staff help these young professionals learn to practice medicine with the skill, integrity, and attention each patient deserves.

For example, during the 2011 academic year, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics and the School of Nursing, in collaboration with JHCP, initiated a new Urban Health residency program whereby residents are trained in the dual specialty of internal medicine and pediatrics while simultaneously earning a master’s degree in public health, working in a medical home environment alongside advanced practice nurses. It is our hope to train residents to become community-based physicians with the expertise to not only cure, but also prevent, chronic disease.

  • Improved Patient Care: With a focus on prevention and control of chronic disease, JHCP is exploring new models of care that are more patient-centered and outcomes driven. Through the use of electronic data collection, focused disease strategies, and patient engagement, we are developing the ability to meet the needs of a growing, aging population.
  • Community Scholarships: In memory of Doris Johnson, a cornerstone of the East Baltimore community and namesake of the Johnson Medical Center (which eventually consolidated with two JHCP practices, East Baltimore Medical Center and Remington), JHCP has established several scholarships. These scholarships support middle school tuition for talented children in Baltimore City who otherwise would not be able to attend.

Make a charitable gift and become part of Johns Hopkins, one of the leading health systems in the country. Your support is greatly appreciated and will have a profound impact on JHCP’s continued efforts to advance primary care as the foundation for effective health care delivery.

All gifts, large or small, are tax-deductable in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code.  Make an online contribution, which you can designate to a specific physician or practice.

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