Charitable Giving

How your gift helps the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery 

At the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery, philanthropy enables us to provide high quality patient care supported by groundbreaking research on innovative methods and treatments. Our physician-scientists, nurses, and coordinators work side by side to ensure a comprehensive and personal approach for each patient. Your generous support helps fund active research in the latest bloodless techniques leading to improvements in care and, ultimately, better lives for our patients.

“I have had two major operations at JHH and benefited from their bloodless program. Even before my operations, it was clear that my wishes about avoiding blood transfusions would be honored and respected. Their high level of professionalism was exceeded only by the warm, compassionate care I received. I count these individuals as life-long friends.”

– S.B., Bermuda

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Methods of Payment


To make a gift or pledge online, please complete our secure online giving form.
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Over the Phone

To speak to someone directly about making a gift, please call 443-287-7952.
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Make your tax deductible contribution payable to "Johns Hopkins Medicine" and mail to:

Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery
550 North Broadway, Suite 726A
Baltimore, MD 21205

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Contact the Development Office

Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
Location: Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery
550 North Broadway Street, Suite 726A
Baltimore, MD  21205

Bruce Kranig
Phone: 443-287-7952