Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund

Annual Grant for Pilot Studies and Team Research Projects

Since 1915, the Brady Urological Institute at Johns Hopkins has sought better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat prostate cancer, the number one cancer in men. Over the past 20 years, progress has skyrocketed.

Important discoveries have been made by basic scientists, urologists, medical and radiation oncologists, and pathologists at Johns Hopkins — individuals with diverse backgrounds and unique skills, working tirelessly together to tackle the same enemy.

The Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund was established to ensure that this multidisciplinary approach to prostate cancer discovery continues to flourish, and that new scientists from other fields are drawn into endeavor. Each year, our scientific advisory board grants funding to the most promising prostate cancer research projects.

About the Fund

Named in honor of Dr. Patrick C. Walsh, who served as Chairman of the Brady Urological Institute for more than 30 years, the Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund was designed to attract outstanding Johns Hopkins University scientists who bring fresh thinking and new research initiatives to the field of prostate cancer. The inaugural round of awards were given in the Spring of 2005.

Guidelines & Application

For questions related to the Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund, including guidelines, eligibility or the application process, please email David "Brandy" Yeater at [email protected].

How to Apply

Submit your grant application electronically using the Pilot Projects Registration Center

Applications should be simple and brief, and follow these guidelines:

  1. Page 1 of the application proposal should serve as the Title Page
  2. Title page plus Specific Aims, Background and Experimental Design sections together should not exceed five pages.
  3. Use Arial 11 pt. font, and 1/2” margins
  4. Merge complete application proposal, including all required materials, into one PDF document. Components must be in the following order:
    • Title Page – Project title, PI/Co-PIs, and department affiliations

    • Background – Including preliminary studies of applicant

    • Experimental Design – Please refer to previous publications of PI whenever possible

    • References/Works Cited – Pages for this section are not included in the five-page limit

    • Additional Materials

      • Plan and timeline for the submission of a R01 level grant (for pilot projects) or a program project grant (for team science projects) – Please limit to one page

      • Detailed budget

      • Budget justification

      • Biosketch form for all key personnel – Please use the current NIH biosketch format

      • Current and pending funding for PI and co-PI – Carefully indicate reasons for non-overlap if potential overlap exists

  5. Upload PDF application proposal to the Pilot Projects Registration Center

Applications will be judged by our scientific advisory board, which is composed of senior faculty members from several departments at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, as well as patient representatives.

Scientific Advisory Board

Faculty Members

  • Kenneth J. Pienta, M.D.
  • Mohamad E. Allaf, M.D.
  • Patrick C. Walsh M.D.
  • William G. Nelson, MD, Ph.D.
  • Theodore L. DeWeese, M.D.
  • William B. Isaacs, Ph.D.
  • Samuel R. Denmeade, M.D.
  • Shawn E. Lupold, Ph.D.

Patient Representatives

Chris Evensen


Jun Luo, Ph.D.
Department of Urology
Precision Medicine in Prostate Cancer: Finding Subsets of Patients

Bruce J. Trock, M.P.H., Ph.D
Department of Urology
Could Metabolomics Explain Some Racial Differences in Men with Prostate Cancer?

Sarah R. Amend, Ph.D.
Department of Urology
Keystone Cells and Resistance and Lethality of Prostate Cancer

Hui Zhang, M.S., Ph.D.,
Department of Pathology
What Happens at the Beginning of Metastasis?