Ambulatory Safety Event Reporting Education

The Ambulatory Safety Event Reporting Education course focuses on educating staff members across the health system on patient safety event reporting in the Johns Hopkins Medicine Hero event reporting system. During the course, participants will review basic principles of patient safety and patient safety event types to help staff members identify safety issues as they occur in their areas. Participants will learn about the event reporting system and be provided a live demo that shows how to enter a safety event in the Hero system to help report and share events along with lessons learned. Instructors will explain the life cycle of an event to show the outcomes and system changes that can occur to help improve patient safety across the health system. The goal of this course is to empower staff members throughout the health system to identify and report safety events in the event reporting system to help improve patient safety across ambulatory.

Course Overview

Who Should Attend

This education course is designed for all Johns Hopkins Medicine staff members, clinical and nonclinical, to learn more about patient safety and the event reporting system. This course has an ambulatory focus and is recommended for staff who work in outpatient areas.

Registration Information

Upcoming workshops:

Open to all Johns Hopkins Medical employees at no cost. Please note this course is tailored to ambulatory areas. 



Participants will need a computer or laptop to attend the live course. 

Contact Us

If you have questions, please contact Annelle Sobin at  [email protected].

What to Expect

Learning Objectives

  • Identify what patient safety is and how to identify patient safety events that could occur in daily work.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the various patient safety events.
  • Demonstrate how to access and report patient safety events in the event reporting system.
  • Apply concepts learned to report safety events to improve patient safety.

Course Outline

Review patient safety

  • Understand what patient safety is and how it affects our daily work.
  • Review types of patient safety events that can be identified.
  • Recognize each staff member’s role in identifying patient safety events.

Hero event reporting system

  • Review what the application is, what it is used for and how to access it.
  • Understand the importance of event reporting and how event reports are used across the health system.

Ambulatory patient safety event types

  • Review examples of patient safety events that can occur in the ambulatory setting to show the variety of events that can be reported.

How to submit an event

  • Watch a live demo of the event reporting system to understand how to submit an event.
  • Review an example event to understand how to write the narrative of an event and what information to include.

Outcomes and benefits of event reporting 

  • Understand how events are routed for review in the event reporting system.
  • Recognize the various ways event reporting data is helpful in improving patient safety. 
  • Review an example of a system change implemented across the health system identified through patient safety event reporting. 
  • Understand the impact of event reporting and how it can improve patient safety at local and health system levels. 

Course Facilitator

Annelle Sobin, M.H.A.

Patient Safety Associate, JHM Patient Safety Operations Team