The research and improvement programs of the Armstrong Institute directly benefit patients by reducing medical errors and complications, improving clinical outcomes, and delivering care that treats patients with the dignity and respect that they deserve.
Support The Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality

Over the Phone

Send via Mail
Mail your tax deductible contribution to:
Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality
550 North Broadway / Suite 701B
Baltimore, MD 21205

Impact of Giving
Any cash gift benefits the Armstrong Institute by enabling us to maintain, and even improve upon, our high standard of excellence and innovation in patient safety and quality. Gifts can be made outright or pledged over a period of up to five years, and they can also be made via check or credit card to provide instant support to the Institute.
Gifts made in honor of family members or friends are a great way to celebrate the ways in which these loved ones have affected our lives. Gifts to support the Institute can also be made in memory of someone who has passed away to honor that person’s legacy in our hearts.
Many employers offer a matching gift program to their employees. For every dollar you donate to the Armstrong Institute, your employer will match it either dollar for dollar, two dollars to one dollar, or, in more generous cases, three dollars to one dollar. All you need is a Matching Gift Form from your employer’s public affairs department. Complete the section designated for employees and mail the form to us. We will take care of all the other details and paperwork.
Through gift planning, our donors work with a development director from the Johns Hopkins Office of Gift Planning to choose thoughtful means of giving with respect to considering the tax and financial needs of the donor. These gifts allow you to formulate win-win scenarios for both you and the Armstrong Institute.
Contact the Development Office
Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality
Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
If you have any questions, please contact us at
443-287-7949 or
550 North Broadway
Suite 701B
Baltimore, MD 21205