Our Services: Hand and Arm Amputation

Healthcare professional helping a patient with an arm prostheticArm transplant recipient Brendan Marrocco with his occupational therapist.

Loss of a hand or an arm, whether in a traumatic accident or due to a health condition, is a life-changing experience. At Johns Hopkins, our team of specialists can help you navigate all aspects of limb loss, including evaluation for a hand/arm transplant or conventional/advanced prosthetics, osseointegration, phantom pain and other types physical pain management, rehabilitation programs to address your goals and much more.

Thanks to the combined expertise of our surgeons, physicians, therapists, prosthetists and other team members, we can develop a comprehensive treatment plan to help you restore your ability to interact with the world through your hands as much as possible or find strategies to compensate for specific gaps in function.

Request an Appointment

For more information, call 443-997-9466 to schedule a consultation with our upper-extremity restoration experts.

Our Services

Although not every person is a candidate for these treatments, we help guide patients and their family through the evaluation process to determine the best course of treatment.

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