Our Services: Foot and Leg Amputation

Healthcare professional helping a patient with a leg prosthetic.A patient with a foot and leg prosthesis undergoes physical therapy.

Whether you have lost a part of your lower limb in a traumatic accident or just found out you need to undergo an amputation, our team can help you assess your treatment options. 

What kind of prosthesis is right for you? Can the osseointegration procedure improve your quality of life? Do you have nerve pain, phantom pain or other kinds of pain in your limb that are significant problems for you? Who can help you address the psychological effects of losing a limb? Our specialists can help answer these and other questions, as well as develop a treatment plan to help you return to your favorite activities.

Our Services

Featured News Stories

  • Tougher Skin for Amputees

    What if there were a way to make the skin at an amputation site tougher, like the palm of your hand or the sole of your foot? Johns Hopkins dermatologist Luis Garza is developing a cell therapy that could enable prosthesis wearers to use their devices longer.

  • Rehabilitation Offers a Full Life After Limb Loss

    A comprehensive program in amputee rehabilitation helps patients avoid amputation becoming a lifelong disability.