Surgical Services
Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Medicine has a legacy of leadership in surgical eye care and is committed to increasing accessibility to quality, compassionate care in state-of-the-art ophthalmic surgical facilities. Our expert faculty provide the latest in innovative surgical techniques and procedures with the support of exceptional staff who strive to provide you and your family with the best experience possible.
Preparing for Surgery
In order to ensure that we do not have to cancel your surgical procedure, please make sure that you adhere to the following pre-surgery instructions for before surgery, the night before surgery and on the day of surgery.
Before Surgery
- Most patients will need to visit a primary care physician for a pre-surgery history and physical (H&P) within 30 days of your scheduled surgical date. Your surgical scheduler will provide you with a copy of these forms, and can fax them to your physician's office upon request. This H&P visit within 30 days must occur in-person (cannot be virtual, via telemedicine) since physical examination is a requirement.
- If you decide to have your own physician perform your pre-operative evaluation, your history and physical exam (H&P) forms and any required lab tests must be completed, signed and faxed back to our office at least 5 business days prior to your surgery date, in order to avoid the need to reschedule your surgery.
- For patients with implanted pacemaker or defibrillator, please ask your cardiologist to complete and send us a device check report that is dated within 6 months of your scheduled surgery. The Anesthesia team will not proceed without this checkup.
- Patients with a history of heart disease or chronic, high blood pressure will need an electrocardiogram (EKG) updated within the last one (1) year or less. Please ask your cardiologist or primary care provider to complete and send this report to us, along with your other H&P documents.
- Please contact your Wilmer physician about any medications you are currently taking, including aspirin or aspirin-like products, anticoagulants, insulin or oral hypoglycemics.
- If you have any questions or concerns about use of eye medications before, during, and after surgery, post-surgery care instructions, intraocular lens options for cataract surgery, or any vision/eye health issues in lead-up to surgery, please call your Wilmer physician's office directly.
- If you become ill in lead-up to scheduled surgery (particularly if you develop a fever, sore throat, cough, and cold symptoms) or were recently admitted to a hospital for any reason, please contact us as soon as possible, so that we may determine whether or not your eye surgery can still proceed.
- You will receive a phone call from your scheduler one business day prior to surgery, typically in the afternoon, with your final surgery arrival time and details. If you have specific timing needs or restrictions, please inform your surgical scheduler of these well in advance.
- Most patients will need to visit a primary care physician for a pre-surgery history and physical (H&P) within 30 days of your scheduled surgical date. Your surgical scheduler will provide you with a copy of these forms, and can fax them to your physician's office upon request. This H&P visit within 30 days must occur in-person (cannot be virtual, via telemedicine) since physical examination is a requirement.
Please refer to the contact information below by specific eye surgery location, if you have clinical questions for our Nursing and Anesthesia teams. For any eye-related questions, contact your Wilmer physician directly. Contact your surgical scheduler if you have questions about surgery dates and arrival times.
The Johns Hopkins Hospital 410-955-5730 Lutherville Ambulatory Surgery Center 410-583-2811 White Marsh Ambulatory Surgery Center 443-442-2700 Bethesda Ambulatory Surgery Center 301-896-6715 Howard County Ambulatory Surgery Center 410-884-4500 Columbia Surgical Institute 443-275-7800 -
Please follow these instructions carefully, to avoid day-of-surgery delays or cancellation of surgery:
- Please do not eat any food or drink beverages after 11:59 p.m. the night before surgery
- A small sip of water only, if needed for hydration or to help take prescribed oral medication, is acceptable two hours or more prior to your arrival for surgery. Please do not eat or drink anything else.
- Please remove nail polish and nail wrappings from all fingers prior to coming to the hospital.
- For your safety, all patients must be accompanied to and from surgery by an responsible adult, age 18+. Please ask a family member or friend to join you upon arrival to the surgery center, and to drive you home after surgery. Do not come alone for surgery, as our Nursing team is required to check for someone to discharge patients to after surgical recovery.
- We recommend that you wear casual, comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that buttons or zips down the front, and is easy to take off and put back on after surgery. Wear flat, comfortable shoes that are easy to slip on and off.
- Do not apply any makeup, cream or aftershave lotion the day of surgery.
- Leave all valuables and jewelry, including wedding rings, at home, as we cannot assume liability for securing your personal property.
- Dentures, contact lenses, glasses and hearing aids may be removed prior to surgery. Since these personal items can easily be misplaced, please keep them in appropriate cases or containers (that won't be mistaken for trash) when not in use, and give them to the person who is accompanying you.
- If you find yourself in a situation that makes it necessary to cancel your surgery, please call us as soon as possible.
- Please do not eat any food or drink beverages after 11:59 p.m. the night before surgery
- After surgery, your physician will likely prescribe medications. You can fill these prescriptions at your neighborhood pharmacy or at available Johns Hopkins pharmacies. You can contact your Wilmer physician directly with any questions about medication and drop use before, on, and after surgery day.
- Please bring your prescription care card or information with you. It is best to fill the prescriptions on the day of surgery, so that they can begin first thing the next morning after seeing the doctor.
- You’ll receive written discharge instructions upon leaving. Please follow these instructions regarding medication, rest, activity and diet and any other after-care advice to help you recover faster, be more comfortable, and reduce the risks of complications when you follow your doctor's orders.
- After surgery, your physician will likely prescribe medications. You can fill these prescriptions at your neighborhood pharmacy or at available Johns Hopkins pharmacies. You can contact your Wilmer physician directly with any questions about medication and drop use before, on, and after surgery day.
Wilmer has a truly remarkable array of top notch surgeons operating at a variety of state-of-the-art facilities. We have devoted a tremendous amount of effort to ensure that the same level of high quality surgery is available across all of our sites for the most common surgical procedures.
- Dr. Oliver Schein, M.D., Ph.D, Chief of the Maurice Bendann Surgical Pavilion and the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Surgical Enterprise